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[OPEN CALL] Projects for Zaragoza City

Ars Electronica Export invites to take part in the

OPEN CALL – Projects for Zaragoza City

Call closes: June 15th, 2012

Prize Money: Three projects will be selected (the People’s Choice Award and the two Jury Awards). Each awarded work will receive EUR 2000 €, and a wide diffusion and visibility. Subsequently, one of the awarded projects will be chosen to be produced between 2012 and 2013 as one of the first works shown at the Etopia_Center of Art and Technology in Zaragoza (opening scheduled for beginning of 2013).
Background information:

Zaragoza City of Knowledge (Zaragoza ciudad del conocimiento) has got assistance from Ars Electronica EXPORT in Zaragoza March 2012 as the Spanish foundation launches its PASEO PROJECT, an effort to jointly seek creative new ideas for communication in and with a city. At a symposium that presented Ars Electronica and its impact on Linz as a best-practice example, participants had the opportunity to consider other interesting models developed by artists and creative engineers as interventions in a real or virtual cityscape.
The event also served as the setting for the debut of an idea platformdesigned to collect new creative models of city representation. Artists and creative technologists are now invited to submit existing projects as well as new project ideas,  that are dealing with the topic “NEW CREATIVE MODELS TO EXPERIENCE THE CITY“. Having the city of Zaragoza as a place of intervention will be a plus.
Further information:;
We are looking forward to your submission,
Best regards,
Manuela Naveau
Ars Electronica EXPORT
P.S.: Interested in finding out more about Ars Electronica EXPORT? We’re looking forward to hearing from you. We’d be pleased to go into specifics about actual Export projects we’re developing and producing right now.