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[CALL] Heritage Open mHealth Challenge

Heritage Provider Network (HPN), in collaboration with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and Open mHealth1, are pleased to launch an open challenge that will seek submissions demonstrating innovative uses of the Open mHealth architecture, and the power of integrating mobile applications and data for more effective management of clinical conditions.

While thousands of mobile and web applications have been developed for different health conditions, a fundamental issue is that these applications are developed independently and are not easily integrated into a coherent user experience or clinical tool. Someone who may need to manage several conditions — such as congestive heart failure, COPD and diabetes – could use several applications to help them manage each condition, but would find it difficult to co-ordinate their use and gain the deeper level of insights that would come from integrating the data collected. The goal of the Open mHealth architecture is to allow patients and clinicians to combine existing and emerging applications and devices to create integrated, personalized health solutions that enable improved disease management and better health outcomes.



The prize to be awarded to the winner of the challenge is $100,000. The winning team will be announced at the 2013 Health Datapalooza IV [, Washington, DC, June 3-4, 2013. The winning application will be presented and demonstrated during the conference. Note: conference travel and attendance costs will be covered.

Open mHealth [] is a non-profit organization that is a project of the Tides Center and a recipient of lead funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneer Portfolio. Open mHealth also receives in-kind development support from the Center for Embedded Network Sensing [], Cornell NYC Tech [], and a growing developer community.