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[INTERN] Multimedia Live Show Production to Open Late June

If you are interested, please contact Williard Morgan:


Multimedia Live Show Production to Open Late June


-=A0 A live theatrical show involving video, music, and performance

telling the story of a day in the life of a Hollywood comedian / musicia=

preparing for his final shot at success on his final day in LA.=A0


– Intern needed immediately till the end of June


– Nonpaid


– Duties will be assisting the director, producer and main actor

in the rehearsal, preproduction and performance=A0 period, running lines=
with the actor,

helping coordinate musicians for rehearsal,=A0 technical staff etc.


-a desire to learn about mulit-media production and live stage work.


– Participants will be working with theatre and media professionals

and learn from involvement in the creating of an exciting entertainment

which will be touring after an initial sit down production in an East Vi=

media gallery.=A0=A0 Interns wil receive credit in the=A0 program of the=

and be considered for future paid work.=A0


Lucia Jeesun Lee
wanderer with bags of dreams

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