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INTERN: Gear Patrol

Gear Patrol


Are you interested in working on a rapidly growing men’s online
lifestyle community? Are you interested in engaging hundreds of
thousands of online users? Do you like gear?

Gear Patrol is seeking an INTERNet ninja. You must be enthusiastic,
self-motivated, cunning, and tenacious when it comes to online
networking and social media related efforts. This position will
easily rate as the most unique thing you’ve done in your adult life.
Okay, maybe that’s a bit ambitious, but this will most certainly be
fun. You’ll gain unprecedented knowledge and experience of the day-to-
day goings-on of a men’s lifestyle focused community initiative
(think: gear, gadgets, style, grooming, vehicles, home, sports,
outdoor, etc…). You know, all things men.
You’ll be working with tools you’re already familiar with. Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc. You’ll be responsible for
everything from the engine that builds a massive online community to
taking Gear Patrol

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