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INTERN: MakerBot

>> We’re scaling at MakerBot and are on the lookout for a few interns
>> to help us create and produce our 3D printers and develop a
>> scanner and some new extruders.
>> If you know of anyone who might be interested, send them my way!
>> Here’s a little blurb to put in an email.
>> MakerBot is a Brooklyn-based startup focused on creating
>> affordable and open source 3D printers. We’re on the lookout for a
>> few interns who have some experience in design, engineering, and
>> the internet to work with us for a few months wo are interested in
>> helping us produce and develop awesome hardware.
>> Interns will get experience developing, documenting, and producing
>> open source hardware. Some of the projects we have coming up are
>> alternate extruders, 3D scanners, and a conveyor belt build platform.
>> The ideal candidate will have some experience some or all of the
>> following: digital design, blogging, and general prototyping. Work
>> will vary and include building kits, design work, production, and
>> running a laser-cutter.
> bre pettis

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