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Internship at Light Harvest

This guy does massive scale 3d mappings and projections… and is looking for interns.

Light Harvest Studio Internship and freelancer program

Light Harvest Studio is a multidisciplinary design and creative consulting company specializing in the motion picture.

Our main objective is to re-arrange the boundaries between cinema, live performance, and fine art. We create our own work

and shows but also maintain a dedication to servicing our clients commercial needs – sometimes pushing them into new territory.

We use multi-screen environments, projection mapping, trans-media story telling, and other cutting edge special effects to

tell stories, challenge audiences, entertain, and inform.

We have various Intern+freelancer positions available for January – April 2011.

Position 1: Post Production Coordinator

4 years of experience with Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro

Ability to Log, Transfer, Encode, and Edit HD footage

Ability to help maintain and organize a very large media database across multiple hard drives and machines.

Skill creating loops, montages, and compositions from raw footage and photos.

Position 2: Audio / Video Engineer

4 Years technical experience with video installation, broadcast video, film production, or AV for live events.

Skills setting up, hanging and mounting projectors, computers, cameras and other technology.

Skills with computer software, programming, and interfacing.

Ability to shoot HD video documentation of events, ability to VJ and run live video mixing hardware.

Position 3: Designer

4 years experience in animation and motion graphics

Ability to draw and storyboard in many different styles

Dedicated to finding and implementing creative solutions in a real world working environment.

Photography and photo assisting, helping with the art direction for photo shoots.

Creating marketing materials for web and print.

Position 4: Production Manager and PR

Organization skills, multi-tasking the needs of multiple projects in a variety of disciplines.

A high level of skill with computers and technical language relating to documents and multimedia.

Organization and coordination of freelancers and interns for installation and content delivery.

Various public relations, media outreach, sales and marketing, and human resource tasks.

Internship Schedule Requirements:

16-20 dedicated hours a week with at least 12 hours being on-location at Light Harvest Studio facility in Bushwick Brooklyn.

Internship lasts for 4 months – after which you will become a freelancer and get paid on a work for hire basis if you wish.

Interns should be comfortable taking on more work/hours on a paid basis if opportunity arrives.

Interns should own or have intention to buy an updated Apple Computer that will handle our multimedia software.

Macbook Pros are a plus.

Interns should expect to attend our gigs, art openings, and installation happenings on a monthly basis.