Our client, SYPartners, is a top tier consultancy that works with CEOs and senior business leaders to design their future. SYPartners is undergoing an expansion in their interaction design department based in their New York City office under the innovative and talented leadership of Brian Goldston. In addition to the core consulting work for which SYPartners is known, Brian is leading an initiative to develop a unique set of digital applications across mobile, tablets, desktops and physical+digital environments that are deeply human, radically simple, and lead people to see, believe, think, and act differently.We need a strong interaction designer who can design human-centered experiences. This role encompasses research, developing specifications, personas, use cases, workflow diagrams , wireframes, product design and prototyping. [please see job description attached below]
We also need a talented visual interaction designer who can focus on designing visually arresting, emotionally compelling experiences across all interfaces, mobile, web, desktop, environments and other emerging platforms. [please see job description attached below]
These positions are open to intelligent, collaborative and talented designers who are passionate about helping businesses and individuals experience transformative change. This firm is of the highest integrity. The offices in New York are newly built, state of the art and beautiful. I have attached images of the offices as well as a few select samples. Additionally the link to company website is:http://www.sypartners.com/website.html
We are looking for exceptional interaction designers. Activities will include:
• Designing mobile, web, desktop-based applications, and digital+physical environments (research, personas, storyboards, workflow diagrams, wireframes, design specifications)
• Creating a uniquely-SYP interaction pattern library for apps and digital environments (codified visual and interaction patterns that are not your usual menus, lists, buttons, or UI elements)
• Advancing the art and science of engagement at scale (research, prototypes, strategies and design principles for intimate, human, meaningful engagement with a potentially massive number of participants who are distributed)
• Developing products that help people see, believe, think, and act differently (product strategy/concepts, prototypes, final products)
• Exploring the ability of digital tools and technology to transform businesses, brands, and culture
Help design and build (to name a few):
• Gesture-based apps (iPad and other tablets, interactive walls, etc.) that activate group participation (in a meeting, large scale event, and beyond) and help people work collaboratively in strategically focused ways
• Highly visual, intuitive, delightful digital tools that help people learn through doing (experiential learning)
• Digital games that deeply engage our clients—and their employees and customers—in an idea or initiative
• A modular system of rich-media experiences and tools to help clients tell their brand story
• Powerful, immersive, integrated digital+physical environments that change how our clients think, invoke debate, and tell stories
Many thanks for giving this some thought.
My contact info is listed below. Also my cell is 917-992-9797.
All best,
Michelle Stuhl
Michelle Stuhl & Company, Inc.
41 East 11th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 212.331.1234
Fax: 212.331.1240
Interaction Designer
The Interaction Designer creates meaningful relationships between people—and the digital tools they use—through thoughtful consideration of motivations, use cases, workflows, storyboards, wireframes, design specifications, and prototypes.
The Interaction Designer designs simple, human-centered experiences ranging from mobile, web, and desktop applications to digital+physical environments. You passionately pursue the art and science of engagement—exploring the motivations and interactions that lead us to see, believe, think, and act differently, defining the fundamental design principles and patterns of meaningful engagement at scale (large numbers of people), and designing the tangible expression of these principles in workflows, interfaces, and experiences.
You bring a deep understanding of technology (i.e. HTML5/CSS3, javascript) and what can be done with it—and you have a creative vision and aspiration for what it could do, if pushed. You employ tried-and-true techniques (i.e. rich media storytelling) and emergent ones (i.e. game mechanics) to create emotional connections and deeper participation.
You understand that true innovation does not always come from focus groups, ethnographic research, and user feedback. As Henry Ford said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” So you rely on your experience, expertise, and intuition to imagine entirely new models of interactions which you then prototype, refine, and improve through user testing and agile design.
You are continually asking—and answering—the question, “What does an SYP application uniquely behave and perform like?”
You have deep empathy and aspiration for those you design for—and those you design with. You are highly collaborative, working side-byside with other designers, strategists, developers, production artists, and project managers.
_ Research and develop solutions for the mobile, web, desktop, environments, and other emerging platforms.
_ Design projects that connect the potential of emerging technologies.
_ Create user requirements specifications, personas, use cases, workflow diagrams, wireframes, storyboards, and design prototypes.
_ Build a uniquely-SYP interaction pattern library and design guidelines.
_ Communicate research findings, conceptual ideas, technical concepts, detailed design, and design with clarity and coherence.
_ Prototype low and high fidelity concepts—from paper-based to interactive. Ideally with an ability to prototype and think directly in a technology (i.e. HTML5/CSS3).
_ Work closely with development teams— from prototypes to packaged products—to ensure that design specifications are implemented.