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[INTERN] Writers Improv Studio

Writers Improv Studio is producing a transmedia project which consists of a web series and a movie that will begin shooting in December 2012, and is currently looking for an intern to help expand this project across multiple media platforms.


The organisation: Writers Improv Studio focuses on the art of improvisation as a method for writing, applying Christina Kallas’ signature method of blending improvisation and emotional structure theory. The studio functions as exploration space for immersive and collaborative storytelling. Improvisation, as used here, incorporates scene work with actors to explore the emotional arcs and story development of a screenplay as a whole. The studio is currently producing a web series and a movie through a workshopping process with its acting ensemble.


The intern must have some experience in web development, and have knowledge and understanding of a variety of media platforms and/or an interest in researching new ones, and in finding ways to combine interactive experiences with the production and to be creative on the technological side, matching our creative process. Editing experience (iMovie/Final Cut Pro) would be an asset.

Hours will be determined on an as needed basis. Start and end dates are negotiable. No pay. School credit.

Interested candidates should submit a resume, a link to online portfolio or work (if available), and a cover letter explaining their interest in the position to