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[INTERN] Design Lab Intern, ESI Design

ESI Design is currently seeking a Design Lab Intern to work with our design team to help us explore various prototyping and research needs for various client & internal projects.
Our Design Lab initiative is dedicated for prototyping & development exploration to support our design process, trying to inject more quick mock up/rapid prototyping into early discovery phase through concept development and design phases. We have been working with various display technologies and input devices from different vendors, exploring capabilities for our knowledge as well as project-specific prototyping needs, partnering with external systems integrators in many cases.
We are looking for an intern who is eager to explore, play with variety of hardware and software tools to support and work with our design team. We are particularly interested in someone who is a good coder, comfortable with programming in one or more creative coding environments to accomplish interfacing with devices, rapid prototyping, and data exploration/visualization using both project-specific data as well as publicly available data feeds from existing sources & platforms.
If you feel you are a strong candidate for this role, please send your resume & inquiries to with subject heading: Lab Internship.
For more information about our firm, please visit our website at