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AHRC New York City, a family governed organization, is dedicated to
enhancing the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
and their families. AHRC contains six schools: four preschools, one elementary
school, and one middle/high school. AHRC’s schools have a commitment to serve
ALL children by embracing maximum integration of children with special needs and
typically developing peers.

Current internship opportunities with AHRC’s Schools:

Assistive Technology Assistant
(Programming/ Phys Comp)
Help non-verbal autistic students communicate their wants, needs, and
Develop assistive technology devices to aid in communication.

Assistive Technology Assistant
Help autistic students learn to communicate.
Design symbols (vector graphics and photographs) representing
abstract and concrete concepts.

Help autistic students learn how to play and interact with others
appropriately. Share your skills to help in the assessment/treatment of
play, language, and social skills of students with special needs.

Educational Technology Assistant

Share your tech skills with teachers. Collaborate with teachers and
support staff on implementation of classroom technology.

Intellitools Designer
Help teachers incorporate classroom activities into classroom
technology. Design templates and activities in Intellitools, which
enables teachers to design interactive curricula-relevant activities.

For more information contact:   Keledy Kenkel