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Digital Wheel Art is an assistive drawing system that encourages people who use
wheelchairs to express themselves in artistic ways beyond their physical limitations.
Working with the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine Pediatric Unit, we will install a
system at Rusk and provide the patients the opportunity to utilize this state of the art
technology. We are looking for someone who is able to engage and guide children of
various ages and abilities in the use of this system. Someone who is good at electronics
(XBee, PCB, and Wiimote hacking) and packaging it is preferred or would be most


The Reach Project is a collaboration between Interaction Designers and Occupational
Therapists in the development of a specialized video tracking and interactive projection
environment for use in pediatric rehabilitation.  The reactive environment is used to inspire,
motivate and track the progress of patients through a series of open ended and playful

Current goals:

• Advance the current prototype to a plug and play system that OT’s can operate
without assistance
• Further develop game environments that meet therapeutic goals
• Create a measurable game for assessment and re-assessment
• Install the trial system hardware and software at NYU Medical Center for evaluation
and testing

Interns will collaborate with the project core team to advance and deploy the existing
prototype system.  User interface and game specification detail will be reviewed at the
beginning of the internship along with a detailed project plan outlining milestones and dates
that ensure deployment towards the end of the semester at NYU Medical.   A test and
development environment will be setup on the floor at ITP or frog Design at the beginning
of the semester for iterative development and testing.

This internship will be highly collaborative and rewarding to any contributors with the
desired skills and interests.

Desired Skills and Interests (must meet one or both):

Required Skills (programming assistance):
• Experience with programming in Flash Actionscript, MAS/MSP, flex and/or Java
• Interest and or experience in video tracking
• Interest in assistive technology

Required Skills (game assistance):
• Experience with animation in flash or other platform
• Interest in immersive game environments
• Interest in assistive technology
Overview of Rusk’s “Look What I Can Do!”  GRAFFITI WALL,
Collaborative Game & Collaborative Art Projects

Look What I Can Do! is an innovative program that uses art and technology to address the
attitudinal barriers that children with disabilities can encounter – including their own internal
barriers as well as those of others. Quality of life for disabled children can be greatly improved
by reducing negative attitudes and stereotypes held by non-disabled children. The Look What I
Can Do! program will include: a virtual GraffitiWall where children can learn about disabilities
and share their experiences in an interactive environment; a web-based video game featuring
disabled characters; and a Community Collaborative Arts projects. These are described in the
enclosed proposal.

The Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine is renowned for treating pediatric patients with a
wide range of disabilities, providing individualized, integrative care through inpatient and
outpatient settings. In the most recent U.S. News and World Report survey of hospitals in the
U.S., Rusk was ranked the #1 rehabilitation hospital in New York State and one of the top 10
best rehabilitation hospitals in the country.

Look What I Can Do! combines three complementary approaches – an interactive GraffitiWall,
a video game, and collaborative arts projects. The Rusk Teen/Young Adult Advisory Board is an
integral part of all content development and evaluation. Each component is described in further
detail below.

1. Rusk GraffitiWall
The Rusk GraffitiWall is a virtual community center where participants can learn about people
with disabilities in an interactive environment. The Rusk GraffitiWall provides a safe, interactive
hands-on learning experience online for children (ages seven to twelve years old). “Abled”
children will nurture their understanding and empathy with their disabled counterparts, while
disabled children will have the opportunity to share personal stories as well as chat with other
disabled and non-disabled children while expressing themselves creatively. Relevant
organizations, such as the United Spinal Association, Lincoln Center Program for People with
Disabilities, the NYC Parks & Recreation Department, and the Mayor’s Office for People with
Disabilities have already been invited to create educational and recreational activities for
inclusion on the GraffitiWall. They and other groups will be offered the opportunity to provide
links to the GraffitiWall from their websites.

2.  Video Game
The Rusk Institute for Rehabilitation will be creating a video game designed with and by people
with disabilities for use with the general public. The first such game of its kind, the Look What I
Can Do! video game will offer a serious message about the capabilities of disabled people. This
initiative is part of the “serious games movement” which is receiving national publicity and
recognition and is demonstrating a high impact by using enjoyable, interactive tools to play a
powerful role in the lives of millions of gamers. Rusk has identified a leading developer in the
online games industry, and has outlined the framework for a complex 3D, multi-level game
experience. In collaboration with the game developer, the game will be market tested with both
disabled and non-disabled children.

3. Community Collaborative Arts Projects
The collaborative arts portion of the Look What I Can Do! is called  Creating Connections.
This unique program brings together children with disabilities and those who are typically
developing to create art in a collaborative process. Over several weeks the Creating Connections
participants engage in a creative arts project, which culminates in an exhibition opening at the
Children’s Museum of the Arts. The exhibition celebrates the children’s experience working
together and also provides an opportunity for families and community members to share in this

Internship position #1

Flash Game Developer

• Develop a healthcare oriented game with the Rusk children’s POV (point of view)
• Collaborate with the Rusk kids as a resource for the:
o Game Play
o Which game POV (first person, 3rd person, etc.)
o Assets (photos, drawings, audio, video, etc.)
• Create a roadmap so the kids and the Rusk staff know when different milestones will
be reached
• Roadmap will include:
o Periodic “interviews/feedback sessions” with Rusk kids
o Storyboards with screen mock ups of characters (if apropos), backgrounds,
description of game play sequence
o Running beta version for the kids to test
o QA time with the kids
o Help write the game’s “help” screens
o Assist launching game within GraffitiWall
• Provide weekly updates to Color, Light & Shadow folks
• Try to make the flash game no more than 10mg and design so that it’ll fit nicely
within the GraffitiWall visible area
• Simple is fine especially since the semester is short
• Be vigilant to design a:
o fun game with the Rusk kid POV
o simple user interface
o bug-free and smooth running game

• People person who loves to collaborate in a team atmosphere
• Willing to listen to the Rusk kids for their feedback
• Thinks outside of the box
• Knows Flash Actionscript 3
• Has an understanding of Flash Media Server 3
• Understanding of .net if possible
• Design flare (if possible would love to see portfolio of links and hardcopy versions of
past projects)
• Facile with design software (photoshop, illustrator, flash, dreamweaver, etc)


Internship position #2

The Rusk kids LOVE video and they LOVE celebrating their accomplishments with others. To
that end, the Videographer will act as the Director and Producer of short videos for and
about the Rusk kids.

Consideration should be taken re: the following:
• Develop videos with the Rusk children POV
• In the past Rusk kids enjoyed making video interviews and they also discussed
creating PSAs
• Collaborate with the Rusk kids as a resource for:
o Storyline and video’s objective
o Needed assets (photos, drawings, audio, video, etc. if apropos)
o NOTE: make sure the kids sign off Rusk’s permission forms if their image will
be included in the video
• Create a roadmap so the kids and the Rusk staff know when different milestones will
be reached
• Roadmap will include:
o Periodic “interviews/feedback sessions” with Rusk kids
o Storyboards
o Editing videos, recording audio, saving as a flv (no bigger than 25mgs) and
uploading onto the GraffitiWall
• Provide weekly updates to Color, Light & Shadow folks

• People person who loves to collaborate in a team atmosphere
• Willing to listen to the Rusk kids for their feedback
• Thinks outside of the box
• Video editing software like AfterAffects. If they prefer a different package then make
sure the final product is saved as a flv.
• Understanding of Flash Media Streaming Server 3
• Design flare (if possible would love to see portfolio of links and hardcopy versions of
past projects)
• Facile with design software (photoshop, illustrator, flash, dreamweaver) if
videographer wishes to include graphics, credits, title screens, etc.


Internship position #3
Digital Designer/Composer (this is probably 2 individuals)

• Develop folders containing an archive of still and animated graphics as well as audio
fx and tunes (all being copyright-free) for the Rusk patients to use on the public and
private Walls.
• This person will also incorporate Rusk kids’ feedback and hopefully engage the kids
to collaborate with them in creating the following:
o A folder containing background images (photos and drawings to reskin Wall
o A folder of images (gifs, pngs, swfs, and jpgs) and a folder of audio (mp3s) so
both the Designer/Composer and the kids can easily assemble fun multimedia
NotePads and BillBoards as well as have an archive of avatar images
• This person should create a roadmap so the kids and the Rusk staff know when
different milestones will be reached
• Roadmap will include:
o Periodic “interviews/feedback sessions” with Rusk kids
o Sample mock ups of the images and audio snippets
o Help kids upload the assets into the proper folders (folders could be labeled:
avatar images, graphics, animated swfs, audio, pdfs, etc.)
• Provide weekly updates to Color, Light & Shadow folks

• People person who loves to collaborate in a team atmosphere
• Willing to listen to the Rusk kids for their feedback
• Thinks outside of the box
• Design and or Composing flare (if possible would love to see portfolio of links and
hardcopy versions of past projects)
• Facile with design software (photoshop, illustrator, flash, dreamweaver) and audio
software (garageband, etc.)