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INTERN: Interaction Design internship at IDEO London

Our office in London is looking for Interaction Design interns for the summer.

The work we do in London spans a range of industries from financial services, to automotive, to public services. And we are now focusing on some really interesting topics of sustainability and crowd-sourced innovation.

It would be great to find someone with skills in physical prototyping and also interface design. In return we can offer insight into our user-centered design processes, and the everyday workings of a design consultancy.

Due to visa restrictions we’re only taking on students with an EU passport this year. And we will offer a stipend for the internship.

Interaction Design Internship – IDEO LONDON

Position Summary:

IDEO helps companies innovate. We design products, services, environments, and digital experiences for organisations seeking new ways to provide value for their customers. IDEO creates visible and tangible strategies for innovation and executes all aspects of design and development, from conception through production.

IDEO London is looking for talented

interaction design interns starting summer 2010, for 3 months who want to be part of the exciting work of creating design in the context of strategic innovation consulting.

You should be able to

• work hard and be very passionate about your discipline and craft

• contribute in gathering research data and translate it into powerful, concise design solutions

• deeply understand and appreciate aesthetics, articulate your artistic vision clearly and concisely

• adapt your style to suit the clients’ needs

• contribute creatively in generating ideas and producing quick and dirty prototypes/mockups for interim reviews

• render in outstanding manner the final designs/concepts using the necessary software tools

You won’t

• lead client conversations

• work with budgets and planning tools

• serve coffee to your senior colleagues

We would like you to be

• enrolled studying a degree or equivalent in interaction design

• able to use common layout tools like InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, Flash, After Effects.    

Hardware /software prototyping platform like Processing and Arduino are a plus

• fluent in English

You will benefit from

• working in a team as a full part designer as well as running your own initiatives or helping out with the

smaller things

• working with an international world class communication, industrial, and interaction designers and


• enjoying our collaborative cross-disciplinary work style at IDEO

Interested?  We’re looking forward to receiving your portfolios (please don’t send printed portfolios). If there’s an immediate match between your talents and our needs, we will contact you directly. If you do not hear from us within 6 weeks, please assume that we do not have an appropriate opportunity at this point.

White Bear Yard, 144a Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5DF