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[INTERN] Summer Internship at the LAB at HAVAS (Paid)

We just opened an opportunity for a summer internship at the innovation Lab at HAVAS.  This is a paid internship position.
The Lab is a center of innovation: bridging the physical and digital, design and engineering. We research, experiment and iterate to discover new potential for emerging technologies. Through this process we create innovative and business building ideas for our clients.
We’re looking for an intern to join us in a pretty exciting environment this summer. We’re looking for someone who’s independent and like to research and experiment. Someone who’s always on the look out for new projects, technologies and ideas but knows hoe to make them come true using the right tools.
You should be pro efficient in one or more of this areas:
Creative Coding (OpenFrameWorks, Cinder, Processing)
Objective C and Android
Physical Computing
Computer Vision
Live visuals and generative graphics
Drones, Robotics and Automation
Networking objects and IoT
please send us a link to your portfolio, a one paragraph why you should join the Lab and surprise us!
Please note that applications are due next week.  Send us an email with any Qs.