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JOB: we need help with the GreenDot Project (video researcher and or web hacker)]

>> Hey folks,
>> We need help on a NYU research project called GreenDot: http://
>> 1) Immediately — we need a “video researcher” that can help us find
>> video footage through youtube and other web resources. Ideally the
>> person knows how to deal with video codecs, video converters, flash/
>> other video downloader / web video catchers etc etc We would pay by
>> the hour, and we need somebody who could respond sometime very
>> fast to
>> current events (for example Obama is appointing his new cabinet right
>> now, and we need very fast video examples of new people that get
>> appointed). I tell you this can be a lot of fun!
>> 2) web programmer / designer, who knows how to built interactive
>> websites, flash, etc etc
>> 3) open-cv hacker (that’s more long-term…)
>> If you are interested or know somebody, let me know.
>> Cheers -Chris
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