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INTERN: Harvestworks Internships

> Harvestworks Internships:
> Harvestworks offers unpaid internships with a minimum commitment of
> 120 hours, working one day a week. In return for time worked,
> interns can take up to two classes in our education program
> (pending availability), take part in our “Interns Teach Interns”
> program, and receive access to lab equipment free of charge.
> Interns may work on the administrative aspects of the
> organizations, but based upon their background, interests, and the
> availability of projects, interns may also work on audio, video, or
> other technical projects, teach other interns, assist clients or
> students, do marketing for Harvestworks, write press releases, or
> maintain our computer lab.
> Skills:
> Macintosh literacy, English language fluency, interest in digital
> media arts. Knowledge of Max/MSP/Jitter, Final Cut Pro, ProTools
> and other creative software platforms a plus.
> How to apply:
> There are no forms: applications should include a full work and/or
> artistic resume and a cover letter describing interests, skills,
> term for which applying and what days you would be available. After
> initial review, qualified applicants will be contacted for an
> interview.
> We prefer that applications are emailed (in plain text format) to
> Dan Joseph . Please don’t send work samples.
> More info: