10 Skeletons

1. Naked body mapped to skeleton

2. Naked body draped over skeleton that has its own moves – maybe the user will being to move like the naked body on top of their projected body – or his/her body is taken away with bkg/body cancelation so they’re a head with a moving naked body below it

3. Crouch poop – if knee points are spread a certain distance an animated poop comes out of the butt point in the skeleton

4. Mickey mouse is mapped onto users body – cartoon environment is projected behind it with background cancellation

5. Gesture tracking used to evaluate jump shot, head stand, etc. Or yoga moves.

6. User has a butt on their face

7. User has a weird alien vagina that is giving birth to an alien

8. Copies made of the user in different time schemes (like Gjohst project with more possibilities)

9. Project characters onto actors, musicians, performers during performance on screens, live and virtual reality versions of a performance

10. Music/video stops if person stops moving – tracking difference in points on knees and elbows or something – or if they stop moving they begin to disappear or turn blue or something

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