Blinks changing the Moving Image – Elena & Luca

XML file of millis and blinks here. Code here.

“Will This Make You Fat?” AR!

more HERE!

“Constellation of Stories” – Elena Midterm

I actually showed this project on Saturday at DIYDays NYC. See tons and tons of documentation on my blog — about the conference and all of my trials and tribulations with the code:

Abbreviated Documentation: Videos:

Successful Code: Part1, Part2

UnSuccessful Code [exporting and re-plotting data]: Part1, Part2


ITweetP part 2

— Continuation of ITweetP… We also do have OpenCV Blob Detection working. So… all three elements work independently. Next step: Synthesizing!


Ubiquitous Cameras and the Future!

As cameras continue to become cheaper and embedded in mobile technologies, our interaction with images will be impacted dramatically. Already, we can see changes in the fluidity of image-authorship [when 100 images are taken of the same event, how do we codify a single author — the author of the event? of each individual photo?], […]

Face Tracking – Elena

I did two short things with FaceOSC — first is that I “Cute-ified” myself, mapping some manga drawings to my face. The cute-ified me smiles when I smile. Special.


Second, I wanted to being playing with the idea of the way you look determining the outcome of a series of images — this […]

Face Tracking Research – Elena

My predisposition to eye tracking may or may not have become apparent in the following research…


1)Eye tracking controlling Head Mounted Microdisplay

Researches from Fraunhofer IPMS created a microdisplay that is mounted like a monocle, displaying augmented-reality like data and information. You can interact with the display simply by moving your eyes.

2) […]

Skeletal Tracking – Elena

Check it out at my blog

10 Ideas for Skeletal Tracking

1) Human Constellations — Using the joints as reference points — forcing the user to contort until joints match constellation patterns such as Orion, Cancer/The Crab, or The Swan. When in the correct position, the player would unlock information about each constellation.

2) Evaluation of running or walking gate — I tend to favor my […]

Some thoughts on Spatial Literacy

Some of the things that I find most interesting about the prospect of spacial literacy are the ideas of authorship and context within parsable images. Having read “Orality and Literacy” from Walter Ong, I was struck by how the move from static images and representations of space to spatial literacy and manipulatable space actually seems […]