10 Ideas for Skeleton Tracking

1. Digi-Date, an instructional game on how to improve your dating game through body language and gestures.

2. Gait Date, an online dating community based solely on matching individuals based on their gait.

3. Sit Up Straight, an instructional game on proper etiquette in a variety of different environments. Users learn how to sit up straight, keep their elbows off the table, and use the right fork with the oyster course.

4. Mixing Music, using limb movement (up, down, left, right) and rotation (0-180 degrees) to manipulate beats and compose new music.

5. Cher’s Closet, inspired by Clueless, allows users to try on outfits in seemingly endless combinations without ever having to physically try on the clothes before they get dressed.

6. Lonely Goatherd, a puppet theater. I’m thinking of the scene from The Sound of Music, hence the name.

7. Spirit Animal, users explore their spiritual side by a having the head of their spirit animal transposed upon their own. They then get to act out various scenarios like a wolf on the hunt or  a deer drinking water.

8. Meditation aid, I imagine users transversing various “planes of existence” (ranging from the psychedelic to inside the cavity of a whale) as they try to achieve nirvana.

9. Camera jammer, as users walk by kinect their skeletal data is immediately erased (before the traverse the entire screen) or substituted with a dummy image so they can get by undetected.

10. Music video maker, make your own music video and become a YouTube sensation! Inspiration. Chose your own background (or sequence of background images which you scroll through with defined gestures) and dance. Use the skeletal data to create background dancers that emulate same movements.

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