10 Ideas for Kinect

10 ideas for skeleton tracking with the Kinect

1) Change perspective of space in 360 degree view depending on body position. Have ability to touch objects and react when they are touched.
2) Meet yourself 10 second ago/yesterday.
3) Kinect projection mapping onto naked body. The projection shows the linkage between body parts and stimulation points on your feet. The user is encouraged to touch the stimulation points, if point is touched the color of the linkage string will change.
4) Hidden kinect behind a latex wall. Depending on how far you reach a sound plays.
5) Affect the real world by encouraging certain positions. e. g if you lay down, lights dim
6) Change the position of limbs. Your feet are on your head. Your head is on your stomach.
7) Control animals and their limbs.
8) Music an image. Colors and sounds change depending on what limb you move.
9) Position and video editing. Depending on your position video edits are longer or shorter.
10) Face expressions are recorded. Object appears on the screen. If the person smiles, the reflection of their image will appear as if they were angry. If they are angry their expression will appear as if they were smiling.
11) Play god. Control robot god in altar
12) Caress a person on the screen; get different reactions depending on where you touch them.
13) Touch yourself and learn about your body. If you touch your head an animation about left brain/ right brain will play. Touch your stomach learn about digestion. Touch your genitals and a vortex revealing sounds of pleasure opens up.
14) Video Sculpture. Change the object being projected depending on distance. The object is situated on the street, people aren’t aware that it’s a projection.

This is a way to share my way of viewing the world. I don’t see very well and don’t wear glasses when I’m on the street. Many times a trash can looks like a handsome man. I smile. The he turns into a scary person. I get anxious. I approach the blob and it becomes a trash can. I feel like and idiot, but deep inside I feel relieved.

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