Other Faces in Other Places

Face tracking projects from around the real world (I mean, Carnegie Mellon).
Students in the Interactive Art and Computational Design class at Carnegie Mellon have recently posted their work using Kyle McDonalds FaceOSC face tracking software along with Greg Bornstein. Here a few examples of their work:

Alex Wolfe made an app called Face OSC Monster Mash face generator. She uses a series of images to represent the eyes and mouth giving the user a ransom note looking mish mash of facial features. Face OSC Monster Mash

Varvara Toulkeridou uses FaceOSC to control a peasyCam in Processing. This seems like a perfect use for face tracking. PeasyCam is a rather difficult to control in that one must convert 3D cues into 2D movements with the mouse.

Navigating in a 3d scene via facial gestures from Varvara Toulkeridou on Vimeo.

Delineating the quantum of experience with Craig Fahner

Heather Knight has “antagonistic photon cannon whose main directive is to cause damage to your eyesight.” This video made me Lol at a Manhattan cafe late Saturday. I was the part where she she’s says: Surprise, I have a secret weapon!



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