Calling our camera Bob – Crys Moore and Dollee Bhatia

In an active phone connection with the camera, dialing 1 would move it to the left, 2 would set it in the center and 3 would move it to the right. There are a lotta moving pieces in this project and the flow of data is currently setup like this:

Phone –> Asterisk (Phone Server) –> AGI Script/Sinatra/Database Camera mounted on servo

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We initially intended on building this with a wireless IP camera, but realized quickly that they can be a little unstable to work with. We might revisit the wireless IP camera once the rest of the setup was more concrete. For the midterms we worked with a wired Axis dome IP camera which we mounted on a servo.

The most frustrating part of this project was setting up the ethernet shield as a web client that accessed the database in an active phone connection.. and sadly as of now it doesn’t react as spontaneously as we would have liked it.

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