kinect + processing + azealia banks + mickey

I was playing around with mapping different graphics onto the skeleton using Mickey Mouse as a stand in. I want to do more with this, use a naked body or something more interesting than Mickey. I need to make it so the hands interpret the angles of the arms and add feet and other […]

Thy Fearful Symmetry

Skeleton tracking: gestural media playback control

Skeletal tracking – Melissa dela Merced

This week Kim Ash and I worked together on the skeletal tracking of the Kinect using OpenNI. The idea is when you reach a pose, a “nuclear” explosion occurs. Using the code sample from ITP Resident Greg Borenstien’s book “Making Things See, 2011”, it was fairly straightforward enough to get the skeletal tracking in place.


Skeleton Tracking // Matt Epler

I have always loved the photographs of Etienne-Jules Marey, whose work had a profound impact on the development of early cinema. I tried to recreate this using the Kinect. Due to the limitations of skeleton tracking in SimpleOpenNI, I could not walk perpendicular to the Kinect.


