Camera walk?

I’ve posted it before I think that I always wanted a holodeck. But of course this is nothing like that. So for this project I finally got the network camera working at my place in Queens and uploading the images every 15 minutes. I shot some video from a window at ITP and put the […]

Skeletal tracking – Melissa dela Merced

This week Kim Ash and I worked together on the skeletal tracking of the Kinect using OpenNI. The idea is when you reach a pose, a “nuclear” explosion occurs. Using the code sample from ITP Resident Greg Borenstien’s book “Making Things See, 2011”, it was fairly straightforward enough to get the skeletal tracking in place.


Erase Yourself | Hand Tracking | Crys Moore


This video is a screen recording (hence the glitchiness) of me playing with Processing and Kinect. The idea is to wipe away the video feed, revealing the Processing IDE.

click here for a video on my blog

click here for the code

Kinect Hand Tracking – Melissa dela Merced

It’s very unique that a single camera can essentially do two things. It’s far from perfect but it’s still a joy to work with. The Xbox Kinect is actually two cameras put together. A “traditional” RGB camera and an infrared camera assembled side by side. Due to the assembly of the camera, what you see […]