Spatial Literacy

Spatial literacy has always been something that I’ve wondered how much people in general are aware of their own capability to read space/images.

We are incredibly quick with processing visual information we receive but also quick with discarding them. Certainly, we don’t think about how such process happened in our head.

Spatial/visual information seems to be the one last area where information is processed without formally learned system where pretty much instinctively. Unlike language, which is a system that requires learning of the system that is universally agreed upon, the way we understand what we see is not taught by any sort of institutionalized system. The learning starts as soon as we open our eyes at birth. The realm of spatial literacy is built on tacit learning and unspoken rules/codes but there is a system.  That’s why we seem pretty ignorant of what we seem to be capable of yet are pretty good at this spatial literacy.

This is where it becomes interesting; if we can break down the system of spatial literacy with all of its unspoken rules and codes and turn them into parsable elements, how will we understand and react to them?


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