Thoughts on Spacial Literacy-Tak

I wonder if parseable imagery will have comparable benefits for us as did with parseable text.

With parseable text we were able to advance our tools like the printing press and then computers for communication. Language is standardized and developed to be scalable with this advancement. By this we aid ourselves in our own communications.

With parseable imagery I feel the true impact/benefit is on the advancements of artificial intelligence, not for our communication but for the communication between our tools. Languages began with our ability to parse our spacial fields. It is our will to see and interpret and translate that make up the act of communication. Maybe it’s not the first time we let tools define and speak for us but with the advancement of parseable visual medium I feel it is the tool that’ll make us loose more then we’ll gain. But I do tend to be a skeptic of new technologies…

-Tak Cheung

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