Hand Tracking assignment – Gavin Hackeling

I built a simple side-scrolling Galaga-style game. Your tracked hand moves the red square; collide with enemy squares to destroy them. The sketch contains commented code to fire missiles when the player performs the “click” gesture. While the “click” gesture is detected accurately, I’ve removed this function because performing the gesture created too much unintentional […]

Luca & Elena – Hand Tracking

Catch the bird!

Using the hand tracking example, we built out the program so that you had to use the representation of your hand (here the finger) to catch the bird who randomly flies around the screen.



<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/35847371?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0″ width=”628″ height=”353″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>



<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/35847463?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0″ width=”628″ height=”471″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen […]

“Follow Hand” assignment – Matt Epler

I made a simple target tracker that displays information about the hands position relative to the screen width and height, and the relative distance to the Kinect in feet.

One anomaly was the actual limits of the screen once the Kinect was running. In the Processing window, without the Kinect running, the scale of range […]

Kinect Hand Tracking – Melissa dela Merced

It’s very unique that a single camera can essentially do two things. It’s far from perfect but it’s still a joy to work with. The Xbox Kinect is actually two cameras put together. A “traditional” RGB camera and an infrared camera assembled side by side. Due to the assembly of the camera, what you see […]

Hand Tracking With Kinect and Processing

As the user waves his/her hand an image is revealed. Kind of like wiping a foggy window to see through. Having trouble getting the videos to appear here, so check it out on my blog.

Try it out. Click to download the zip.

Check out the code


Monster Hand Tracker


Worked on tracking monster with Heather Valez. The code for the ‘mon mon monsters’ was adapted to work with kinect. Original code here.





  import SimpleOpenNI.*; SimpleOpenNI context; boolean handsTrackFlag = false; PVector handVec = new PVector();

Monster [][]monsters; int row = 10; int col = 18;

PFont f; […]