The Ultraviolet Respiration System
Zehua Wang
Cough Syrup is a collaborative digital archive presented in the form of an easily digested zine; It aims to document, share, and guide members of the Millennial and GenZ populations throughout a time of quarantine and social distancing.
Cough Syrup
Benjamin Lasala Tablada
A virtual soundscape that provides immersive spooky experience.
The Lost Forest
Yuchen Wang
Students and alums of the course Choreographic Interventions will be dancing in small boxes. Please join us for performances live, interactive and otherwise.
Choreographic Interventions
Aditya Dahiya, Fernando Gregorio , Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Tina Rungsawang, Youngmin Choi, Mimi (Yue) Yin, Yuguang Zhang
Bubble is a 3D-printed little cat who loves drinking bubble tea.
Yayuan Zheng
A AI model allows you to translate Nike sneakers into Adidas style and vice versa.
Haoquan Wang
Shape of Memory is an introspective VR piece explores what shapes of memory your loved ones take and the stories that become entwined.
Shape of Memory
Nicholas Gregg
Command Escape is a 3D rendered video which presents a fictional universe situated in a far future inside of the desktop background.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
*** The password for viewing the vimeo link is "commandescape". I will be sure to make it public once the show approaches, this is still an old version that's a work in progress. ***
Command Escape
Cezar Mocan
A drawing pad that enables user to draw in a special way!
Emily Qiu
Improved Coil Gun & Visualization of   Electromagnetic Response
Coil Gun
Anpu Li
A keyboard typing and language learning phone app
Jessica Chon
Using modern technologies to bring new charm to cultural heritages
Tech + Culture
Xinran Wang
Experiment with the movement in relation to a screen, while engaging with the familiar scene of cooking!
Chef to Chef
Emily Wright, Echo Chi
Form2Shape is a tool that enables communication and web designers to create abstract graphics while learning about the history of design. I extracted abstract 2D shapes from iconic industrial designs of the 20th century that designers can easily customize and use in their own work.
S.J. Zhang
Cutting rhythms, cutting patterns. Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC.
Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Yuguang Zhang
Designed to reach those who are feeling especially isolated, Neighborline is a daily phone call that connects people on the line at random for a friendly chat.
Dawn Sinkowski, Simone Salvo
A visual simulation of atom structure with music
ATOM Imagination
Haoquan Wang
Interactive exhibition that focuses on the Abydos excavation site in Egypt.
Interacting with Abydos
Elizabeth Chiappini, Ge Chang, Katie Han, Sydney Meyers
Mirror is an animated short film visualizing depressive feelings resulted from extreme self-criticism.
Chenchen Zhou
Embark on a collaborative decision making journey and experience the beauty of our brain with NEU
Jingyi Zhou, Tianxu Zhou, Ziyu Gao, Zhoujian Sheng
The web Firebird is a live performance experiment on coding, choreography and augmented reality, designed for the web.
The web Firebird
Fernando Gregorio
To make recycling appropriated content on Kuaishou easier for grassroots digital creative entrepreneurs, a website connected to an auto-editing service and a video database is developed to help them survive on the video platform.
One Free Click
Yufeng Zhao
Professor Soir Escape Zoom is a non-linear experiential virtual escape room experience that invites players to discover hidden information.
Professor Soir's Escape Zoom
Emma Grimm, Martin Martin, Helen Zegarra, Jianhao Ma, Melissa Powers, Tirta Rachman, Yiting Liu
This project visualizes the TR R-277 report, also know as Nasa’s Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events, and try to interpret this dataset with its historic background the "Space War".
Spying The Moon
Lishan Qin
A series of electronic music composition centers on a numerological idea of the number 3.
Tong Wu
30-second VR narratives made from photogrammetry scans of personal spaces.
VR Confinement Sketches
Celine Yu, Hank D Wu, Jessica Chon, Michael Naimark, Qianyi Chen, Tian Qin, Wenhan Dou, Yayuan Zheng, Yanru Zhu, Zexing Li
An interactive installation that visualizes public perception of topics within Twitter.
Fragrant Discourse
Kennedy Cambra-Cho
A text-based CryptoParty on how to maintain your digital privacy.
Politics of Code's CryptoParty
Aladham Maher Chakohi
This installation collects sexually offensive message sent to children detected by NGOs on various social media platforms; by exposing and cumulating these messages, it calls for more attention to child sexual abuse in the cyber spaces and better child protection on multiple levels.
The Ticker Pin
Yunzhu Pan
An interactive sketch that illustrates the positive correlation between positivity and progress.
Kennedy Cambra-Cho
Qube is a set of puzzle blocks and is friendly to play for visually impaired kids.
Xiaojie Gu
Personal music streaming system focused on listening to whole album with my own album cover.
Cover Covers
Jung Soo Ha
We want to build a EM instrument showing the existence of radiation.
EM instrument
Chenglin Li, Jamie Wang
Calming constellation visuals with music using p5.js.
Star Touched
Hsiao Jui Lin
Can you nurture a 'sense' of time without clocks?
When am I?
Arnab Chakravarty
A rotating electronic music box.
Music Wheel
Haorui Li, Liyang Zhu
A web-based interactive divination project.
Sumner Feng
The project I created is a virtual scenery that helps to beat the boredom of working out at home by taking the user through a virtual tour with picturesque view.
Virtual Scenery
Naijia Guo
An algorithmically-generated music visualization in classical Chinese style
Tian Qin
What is a programming language, and what can it be? What does a programming language that is not imbued with values of efficiency, utility and terseness look like? Can a poem be a program? Can code be as compelling as the artifact it attempts to create? in:verse is an experiment and exploration to answer these questions.
Sukanya Aneja
A p5.js visual project utilizing WEBGL
Lost in Dimension
Haoquan Wang
"Across the Great Wall, we can reach every corner in the world "... or not?
Ren Tao
A beautiful escape for your cabin fever riddled quarantine brain.
A Walk in the Woods
Alexandra Mariamma Mathew
Your all-in-one trip planning station.
Yiqi Chang, Zeping Fei
A speculative wearable design that integrates temperature-detection and real-time geolocation tracking systems.
Zeping Fei
A Conversation is an online experiment orchestrated to explore vulnerability among strangers in the digital realm
A Conversation
Daniel Fries, Na Chen, Schuyler DeVos, Tirta Rachman
A blinking flower that will light up when a wheel in front of it is turned by hand.
Flower Wheel
Yunyu Zhang
An application that analyzes sneakers on the resale market.
Sneaker Stats
Yijie Zou
This project uses virtual reality to guide the viewer on a historically accurate tour through three snapshots of an intersection over the course of New York City history.
VR History – NYC
Ethan Printz
Location$$ is a web-based social experiment that is designed to simulate awareness for mass surveillance, it provides creepiness and unease once you agree to share your location.
Dan Qi Qian
aaalone is a series of concrete poetry experiments about my interpretation of loneliness during self-quarantine.
Zeyao Li
Raise awareness about the lack of resources brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of proper hand hygiene
Sense Dispenser
Terese Isabella Tam Yap
By using kinect, you can use your magic to play with the particle system.
Particle God
Joseph Yang
Modify the circles to create your own pattern
Jessica Dong
A music box consists of 3d printed AK47 and knitted flowers. It interprets empathy, peace and love.
Gun Grave
Muru Chen
This website creates a creative platform in which users can learn in the form of an interactive case study and experience the role that counterfeit products play on consumers and on the global economy.<br />
Counterfeits: A Consumer's Journey
De'Yon Zechariah Keshawn Smith
you tell me your daily life concern, a god that I designed will be given to you to address that problem. Believe it or not, keep it or not, it’s up to you.
God Design
Chenhe Zhang
The concept is to substantialize poetic Chinese painting with audios, and to recall the calmness from the pre-industrial age.
Silence aloud
Yunyi Wang
A game that you use shadows to control light
The Light
Chaoyi Wang
real-time timbre control using machine learning powered pose detection
, Alex Wang
An interactive documentary that consists of obeservations about Grandma's everyday life and some reflections.
Days of Her Life
Yuhang Zheng
Explore how game mechanics trigger players' emotional attachment to NPCs.
A lonely Bird
Muru Chen
The Public Chair is a social critique on classist urban design towards the homeless population in public spaces through the implementation of hostile architecture.
The Public Chair
Sofia Shockman
This is an interactive documentary about what a university student does and thinks on the first day going back to school during the pandemic.
A Pandemic Diary
Ruining Wang
The Gentrified App takes a critical look at the effects of gentrification by highlighting what is lost in the name of “progress” as rapidly escalating housing prices displace lower-income and communities of color.
The Gentrified App
MaryAnn Talavera
Color picker IOS app.
Diary: Chroma
Elizabeth Chiappini
Create drawings by posing them out!
Jamie Wang
The ARpeggiator is a collaborative AR music-making application that works in Chrome on Android devices allowing multiple users to make music together in real-time by creating spherical notes in AR space.
Zack Lee
It displays several forms of the water in a sketch.
Water Forms
Joseph Yang
Tofu is a VR interactive installation that presents the consumption experience of convenience stores and street food in the city in a surreal way. It reflects consumers’ different relationships with food and the disappearing local marketplace culture behind this confrontation.
Nianqi Zhang
Boxing with Aries is an immersive experience in Unity that invites players to a dark and eerie world where they will have to navigate through their internal conflict of peace and war, of hope and sorrow.
Boxing with Aries
Nhi Pham Le Yen, Neyva Hernandez, Vince Nguyen
1234, Mass Tuning-In is an installation which asks 8 people to count together as a way of deep listening
1234, Mass Tuning-In
Nuntinee Tansrisakul
Memorize the given drawing and try to draw a replica!
Art Memory Game
Christina Chung, Jessica Lu, Sam Zheng
A collection of cube shaped objects that people can interact with through intangible interaction. The cube’s functionality or personality will not be communicated through the physical form of the object, instead, users will find them out through the process of interacting with them.
Curious Cubes: Group Show
Atchareeya Name Jattuporn, Lu Lyu, Rae Ruilin Huang
Record the diary in a meditative way
Dan Qi Qian, Tianxu Zhou
If you're bored, come bake with me!
Let's Cook
Nathalia Lin
A unique sound experience in a city after destruction
Ruins of Node 8
Chaoyi Wang
It's an artistic project that draws your day on your spinning chair.
Art on a Chair
Joseph Yang
A real-time simulation visualizing reported stories of Asian American hate crimes since the coronavirus outbreak
Almost American
Katie Han, Sue Roh
Examining Forward Head Posture Prevalence Among University Students:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Introducing Kinect and Social Media Platform as Visualized and Interactive Solutions
Zexing Li
Trace the trade path of Chinese lost cultural heritage
Treasure Tracking
Ruixuan Li, Tianxu Zhou, Monni Qian
In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, two NYU Abu Dhabi students aurally document their lives, being 8,656 km and 7 hours apart from each other—with one in Cairo, Egypt, and the other in Jeju, Korea.
Logaine Elshafie, Amy Kang
Visualize chords on the complex plane using Fourier transform at root frequency.
Shape of Chords
Daniel Chin
"Hear" a room, and get close to a girl!
A Charming Girl
Tianyu Zhang
Retrive your love for yourself in the journey of epiphany through a series of movements.
Mia Fan, Jannie Zhou
On the way back is a storytelling based installation based on true history to explore the isolation and essential loneliness of human.
On the Way Back
Wenhan Dou
A toy that help people understand power of consensus and cyberbullying
To Comment
Shenshen Lei
It is a text adventure game and visitors need to find the clues and infer which one is the killer, otherwise they will be killed by the  ghost.
Corner Pockets
Jiachen Zhou
White Night presents an interactive experience for the users to speak out and get rid of their deepest fear in their life.
White Night
Anica Yao, Jamie Wang
Plastic Ocean is a game which represents how both conscious and unconscious actions and habits of human beings lead to ocean pollution.
Plastic Ocean
Tiger Tian, Luize Rieksta, Nhi Pham Le Yen
In this interactive game, the user can control the two stars to move left and right. When the two stars are close to each other, they can fly up together.
Tian Qin
Light Clock shining a long-distance warm sun light into a cold room.
Hometown Sun
Atchareeya Name Jattuporn
Homo ex Humo (Man from dirt) is a memento mori for nature, an interactive sculpture about the human disconnect from nature.
Homo ex Humo
Louise Lessel
distortion of the self through datamoshing
Julia Ann Myers
MediaMoney provides simple analytics for any public Twitter account. With this handy tool, you can even estimate how much advertising money your favorite Twitter accounts can make with each tweet.
Hank D Wu
AR entertainment experience to help people manage through quarantine times.
Siyuan Zan, Tianjun Wang, Xiaoyun_Sherry_ Liu
A window frame made from scrap paper and recycled cardboard boxes, carries a courageous mission: to preserve and nurture someone&#039;s creativity during a time of crisis.
Son Luu
Me and my bizarre ideas.
Ning Zhou
&ldquo;Climate Glitch&rdquo; is a photography series representing the climate change in three different locations.
Climate Glitch
Jana Pocuchova, Luize Rieksta, Amy Kang
An application designed to provide tailored taxi service specifically for pets and pet owners
Xinye Jiang
Another sound visualizer inspired from glowing ring.
Zhuochen Yuan
Using Electronic circuit to boldly recreate Kraftwerk&#039;s Das Model
Recreation of Kraftwerk
Lichen Dong, Yinmiao Li
It&#039;s a game that you can hit the letters in the sequence of the alphabet by using your wrists.
Hit the Letter
Joseph Yang
We all gotta get involved. As victims, participants, and spectators.
Break the Silence
Yuanyuan Wang
An interactive generative art experience that involves different types of audio and music reactivity.
Indigo Cheddar
Gabriel Chi, Rachel Wen
How might we create stylized Chinese typefaces though machine learning ?&lt;br /&gt;
Glyph poems in motion
Haoyu Wang, Yuguang Zhang
These toys are designed to help children process their emotions.
Empathetic Toys
Sarah Armstrong
When the rhythm of dancer and computer graphics communicate with each other.
Qianyi Chen, Joseph Yang
ITP Weather Band is an experimental band creating music by playing weather data collected from a DIY weather station with custom software and hardware musical instruments. Come see our debut performances!
ITP Weather Band: Debut Performances
Arnab Chakravarty, Atchareeya Name Jattuporn, Brent Bailey, Sid Chou, Chun Song, Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Schuyler DeVos, Yeseul Song
Cyberdance is an interactive chat room dance experience that explores ways of expanding comfort zones through trust, intimacy, and spontaneity.
Aditya Dahiya, Tina Rungsawang, Youngmin Choi
Personal exhibition website for digital heritage course
Ning Zhou
Interdimensional immersive space for people to connect
Alizarin Waissberg
Design a business and life you&#039;re wildly proud of at
Design Life Well
Tundi Szasz
This project explores the strategic positioning of suicide barriers in the NYUAD campus.
Deliberate Negligence
Luize Rieksta, Maria Calderon, Will Mlekush
An interactive board game.
The Way Home
Sumner Feng, Emily Qiu
A magic space for children to create &amp; cast their own spells, with the hope that they can learn from Positive Psychology embedded.
Magic Wish
Quinny He
An audiovisual performance that visualizes Korean exorcism ritual and shaman vision.
Digital Shaman
Jonghyun Jee
An animation clip that tells a story about Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu
The trinity
Yujia Liu
An app or a solution that uses AR technology to manage user conversations while doing live streaming.
Jinzhong Yu
&ldquo;Am I dreaming of the butterfly, or the butterfly is dreaming of me?&rdquo;
Butterfly Dream
Qianyi Chen
Catch the stars here and go through a beautiful archive for The Little Prince&#039;s memory.
Catch the Stars
Jannie Zhou
A casual game to explore more about music
Music Harry
Yudi Jia
It will bring back your childhood memories.
The Fireboy and Watergirl
Helen Dorjderem, Jessica Dong
How can the library experience be better?
Jaekook Han
A website exploring plastic waste and the failures of recycling as a system.
Stop Recycling
Timmy Zhou
A social VR experience where you are challenged to identify if the interaction is with a human or with a pre-programmed robot .
Artifice Social VR
Tanic Nakpresha
A system of configurable fabric patches and AR filters used to create mixed reality apparel for photos/videos of users.
Kat Vlasova