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Posts published in May 2008

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Disposition: inline; Wow! I wish more people ran around ITP in their underwear when I was there.= As for this Raving Lunatic confusion – From…

[JOB] PHP Developers Wanted

Friend-of-a-friend is looking for PHP developers. Looks like good part time work Contact: Jonah Keegan m: 347-813-0927 ——– Here’s some details on the position.…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Bala is one of the few people brave enough to protest the Cartesian coordinate system. meghan trainor wrote: > ooh, time for the annual Bala…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ i’m not gonna watch this until i get reassurance there’s no shots of bala n= aked here. know what? =A0fuck it, i’m…

JOB: Interactive Designer for

> > Interactive Designer > > Omnigon is a new manhattan based interactive / software design > company. > We are looking for a part-time…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Disposition: inline; ooh, time for the annual Bala Protest video posting: ht= tp:// On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Jeff Gray <> wrote:…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Well “stark raving mad” implies random, yet consistent fits of nude lunacy, or so I’ve heard. See “Bala Protests This” (starring Bala Natarajan) for more…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

What exactly does “raving lunatic” mean? Could be an ADA problem. Jeff Galusha wrote: > > Omnigon is a new manhattan based interactive / software…

[JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Disposition: inline; Omnigon is a new manhattan based interactive / software design company.&nbs= p; We are looking for a part-time interactive desi= gner who "gets…

INTERN: Web Publishing John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

I am recruiting for one internship position within our Web Publishing Technology group, which is a global organization of web professionals located in Hoboken, UK,…

[JOB] Editorial Production Assistant

Editorial Production Assistant Job Description: Looking for a detail-oriented recent college graduate to fill editorial production position at Hearst Magazines. Basic knowledge of InDesign, Photoshop,…

JOB: Flash freelance work for MoMA

> > The Marketing Department here at MoMA needs a flash freelancer to > create 3-5 > banner ads to be used on other websites.…

Wind-up Records- Summer Internship for Credit

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Wind-up Records Digital Platforms Group = Internship Description =A0 Assist with management of artist and label website news con= tent =96 write,…

Small Web Design Job: Dysautonomia Foundation

The Dysautonomia Foundation is looking for some assistance in redesigning their website. If interested, contact them directly. Marianne —————- We’re looking for some help with…

INTERN: Summer Internships at Videograf

>> >> VIDEOGRAF >> 144 West 27th Street Suite #12 >> New York, NY 10001 >> Tel: 212-242-7871 / Fax: 212-206-6986 >> >> >>…

JOB: IA Job at Createthe

> > JR to MID-LEVEL INFORMATION ARCHITECT/USER EXPERIENCE DESIGNER > > > > We are a leading digital agency located in Soho. We are currently…

Re: JOB: Artist needed for Mural

Bill Gibbons is a great muralist. M On May 26, 2008, at 1:00 PM, D.Lasday wrote: > heres an odd-ball one: if you know…

RE: JOB: Artist needed for Mural

I second Mike Parker as a resource. Nice guy, great artist, etc. Also a really good info architect, although that doesn’t sound like part of…

Re: JOB: Artist needed for Mural

Hi Dave, how’s it going? Contact Mike Parker at: He’s a mural artist as well as multimedia kind of guy. Tell him I sent…

JOB: Artist needed for Mural

heres an odd-ball one: if you know of anyone interested pls send them my way: I need help in planning a mural – approx 30ft…

JOB: Graphic Designer for Print, Web Work

Looking for someone for a one-off for business cards, letterhead, “My Cat Fluffy” website design (no HTML coding). Flash capability a plus, but not essential…


Content-Type: text/html; charset=”utf-8″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 77u/PCFET0NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy9XM0MvL0RURCBIVE1MIDQuMCBUcmFuc2l0aW9u YWwvL0VOIj4NCjxIVE1MPjxIRUFEPjxUSVRMRT48L1RJVExFPg0KPE1FVEEgaHR0cC1lcXVpdj1D b250ZW50LVR5cGUgY29udGVudD0idGV4dC9odG1sOyBjaGFyc2V0PXV0Zi04Ij4NCjxNRVRBIGNv bnRlbnQ9Ik1TSFRNTCA2LjAwLjYwMDAuMTY2NDAiIG5hbWU9R0VORVJBVE9SPjwvSEVBRD4NCjxC T0RZPjxTUEFOIGxhbmc9RU4+DQo8RElWIGNsYXNzPWRhdGUtaGVhZGVyPg0KPFA+PEZPTlQgZmFj ZT1BcmlhbCBjb2xvcj0jMDAwMGZmIHNpemU9Mj48QSANCmhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly9hZHZlcmxhYi5i bG9nc3BvdC5jb20vMjAwOC8wNS9taXQtY29udmVyZ2VuY2UtY3VsdHVyZXMtbmVlZHMtcmVzZWFy Y2guaHRtbCI+aHR0cDovL2FkdmVybGFiLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8yMDA4LzA1L21pdC1jb252ZXJn ZW5jZS1jdWx0dXJlcy1uZWVkcy1yZXNlYXJjaC5odG1sPC9BPjwvRk9OVD48L1A+DQo8UD5UaGUg cmVzZWFyY2ggZ3JvdXAgSSB1c2VkIHRvIGJlIHBhcnQgb2YsIHRoZSA8QSANCmhyZWY9Imh0dHA6 Ly93d3cuY29udmVyZ2VuY2VjdWx0dXJlLm9yZy8iPjxGT05UIGNvbG9yPSM2Njk5ZmY+Q29udmVy Z2VuY2UgDQpDdWx0dXJlIENvbnNvcnRpdW08L0ZPTlQ+PC9BPiBhdCBNSVQsIGlzIDxBIA0KaHJl Zj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5jb252ZXJnZW5jZWN1bHR1cmUub3JnL3dlYmxvZy8yMDA4LzA1L2NvbnNv cnRpdW1faGlyaW5nX3Jlc2VhcmNoX2Rpci5waHAiPjxGT05UIA0KY29sb3I9I2ZmMzM5OT5sb29r aW5nIGZvciBhIHJlc2VhcmNoIGRpcmVjdG9yPC9GT05UPjwvQT4uIElmIHlvdSBhcmUgaW50byBz b2NpYWwgDQptZWRpYSwgZmFuZG9tcywgZ2FtZXMsIG1lZGlhIGNvbnN1bXB0aW9uIChha2EgY29u bmVjdGlvbnMgcGxhbm5pbmcpLCBwb3AtY3VsdHVyZSANCmFuZCBvdGhlciBjb29sIHN0dWZmLCB0 aGlzIGlzIGFuIGFtYXppbmcgZ2lnLiBBcGFydCBmcm9tIHRoZSBvYnZpb3VzIHBlcmtzLCANCnlv dSdsbCBnZXQgYSBtdWNoIGJldHRlciBzaG90IGF0IGdldHRpbmcgaW50byB0aGUgc29sZC1vdXQg ZXZlbnRzIGxpa2UgdGhlIDxBIA0KaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3JvZmxjb24ub3JnLyI+PEZPTlQgY29s…

[JOB] LeapFrog: Learning Designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ Background: LeapFrog’s Learning De= partment=A0has=A0immediate openings=A0for individuals=A0with expertise in ma= th/science learning, and curriculum design.=A0=A0This growing team is respon= sible for the…

[job] McSweeney’s design intern

Content-Disposition: inline; I have no connection to this, but if I were a designer, I'd jump on it.= .. ATTENTION,YOUNG DESIGNERS. – = –…

Job: one-time DJ gig

DJ Wanted For late night gig in Chelsea on May 25, 2008 $100 guarantee and up to $250 depending on door sales This party is…

INTERN: Frog Design needs tech interns

> – Frog Design Intern Opportunity – > > We’re looking for a hardcore geek who wants to try working in a > design firm…

re: Looking for Animation Jobs

http://www.blueskystudios.com lmoe From: “Catherine Colman” <>Se= nt: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:40 PMTo: “ITP Alumni” <itp-alu=>Subject: Looking for Animation JobsHi Listies,A friend of mine…

Re: AS3 Multitouch Freelance Job

uuuh. if you’re moving a puck, it ain’t multitouch, brah. On May 20, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Ian Curry wrote: > Hello List – >…

AS3 Multitouch Freelance Job

Hello List – We’re looking for someone with strong AS3 skills to develop a map- based multitouch interface. The map software will be a permanent…

quick flash/director gig

I’m helping a friend find someone who can take care of a quick flash or director project (needed by the end of the month): Here’s…

JOB: Posting position for PC Support

> > Position Title: PC Support > Description: Duties include data entry, website support, user > support and other necessary office duties. > Qualifications: Reliable,…

INTERN: Wakozi

> > About Us: Wakozi ( is a delivery service that allows > New Yorkers to order immediate delivery of beer, wine, liquor, > snacks…

JOB: Seeking a Freelance Jr. Production Designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Thanks for taking my call a couple minutes ago.= My name’s Tricia Okin and my workplace is hiring for a design production…

Job: Web Designer

From a friend:  = Designer Wanted! PerformLine Inc is a growing on= line performance marketing and technology company focused on delivering true= transparency to advertisers. …

JOB: Game Programmer & Animator

> > **********JOB POST: GAME PROGRAMMER & ANIMATOR/GRAPHIC > ARTIST**************** > > POSITION: Two consultancy positions available for a game programmer > and animator/graphic artist.…

JOB: Senior Producer, Ugobe Life Forms

——=_Part_714_3653503.1210700115967 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi gang, This (and the following post) are about jobs at UGOBE, where I currently work. (, Feel…

JOB: WEBMASTER WANTED — Small Theater Company

Begin forwarded message: > From: Joe Gilford > Date: May 12, 2008 10:43:43 AM EDT > To: > Subject: WEBMASTER WANTED –please forward >…

JOB: iPhone Visual Designer, Apple

> >> iPhone Visual Designer >> >> Apple’s Mac OS X User Interface Group is seeking a visual designer >> with dynamic interfaces or animation…

[JOB] Product Manager at ABC News Digital

Content-Disposition: inline; http://= Company: ABC News Digital Job Title: Product Manager&nb= sp; Description:  The ABC News Digital Media group is loo= king for a seasoned…


It pays. I don’t know exactly how m= uch, but you can contact Jeremy for more info. Begin forwarded message: From: “Jeremy Krinsley” <>…

JOB: Uptown Gallery – Networking/Email Help

Job Description: Reputable uptown NYC gallery showing artists like Rembrandt and Picasso looking for help with office computer network and basic email system. This is…

JOB: seeking freelancer

> work with itp alums rebecca and britta > Seeking Freelance Flash Designer for Museum Interactives > We are seeking a freelance flash illustrator/designer/animator with…

JOB: Senior Information Architect – freelance

> Senior Information Architect – freelance > > My client, a leading interactive design and marketing agency, is > looking for a Freelance Senior Information…

JOB: Junior Flash Developer, Core Industries

Junior Flash Developer We are looking for talented and highly motivated Flash Developers to help on a range of website, game, mobile and kiosk projects.…

JOB: C++ / Objective-C Developer, Core Industries

C++ / Objective-C Developer We are looking for a talented and highly motivated C++ / Objective-C developer to help develop iPhone applications. Our working environment…


JOB OPPORTUNITY You know, without making too big a deal of it, sometimes I get loweny too. You can also refer them to our website:…


Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ You can= also refer them to our website: for more information on= the agency.=A0Thanks so much!=A0Kristin= — –Apple-Mail-16-25842604 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64…

JOB: Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media

> > > JobID=6056&jsOrigin=12&Blast=1767 > >> Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media >> >> Multimedia / Web Design / Services – OTHER >> (ACTIVE…

JOB: Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media

> > > JobID=6056&jsOrigin=12&Blast=1767 > >> Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media >> >> Multimedia / Web Design / Services – OTHER >> (ACTIVE…

JOB: Web Developer

Page Developer job description WEB DEVELOPER The position will support interactive content and marketing initiatives for the Fuse television networks and their associated products.…

JOB: Web Developer

Page Developer job description WEB DEVELOPER The position will support interactive content and marketing initiatives for the Fuse television networks and their associated products.…

[JOB] Interactives Producer, Online NewsHour

Company: NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Job= Title: Interactives Producer, Online NewsHour Description: The Interac= tives Producer for the Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer is a…

2 Jobs @ Daylife

*JOB 1* Company: Job Title: Vice President of Marketing Description: The Company Daylife is a well-funded, fast growing internet start-up focused on transforming the…

[JOB] Buddy Media (Social Networking App Co)

Hi, Buddy Media, Inc. is a New York City-based start-up founded by serial entrepreneurs Michael and Kass Lazerow (Student Advantage/U-Wire, Investors include some of…

[JOB] PHP Developer

Company: Financial Services Firm Job Title: Web 2.0 PHP Front end/ UI developers Description: We’re seeking Web 2.0 UI developers for PHP/AJAX based application development…

JOB: Jr. to Mid-Level Information Architect

In addition to the normal IA/interaction design skill set, this job will require a fair amount of documentation. We are looking for someone detailed oriented…

JOB – Teach my course this summer

City College offers an “Intro to Multimedia” course which will run from 2-4:50pm from June 4th until the end of July. Normally, I would teach…

Job: Human Rights Watch Multimedia Producer

Job: Human Rights Watch Multimedia Producer A= nother one I found while searching: http://w= —

[job] Director New Media / US Olympic Committee

SSd2ZSBnb3Qgbm90aGluZyB0byBkbyB3aXRoIHRoaXMuIEVuam95LiBNYXJrDQoNCg0KDQpodHRw Oi8vam9icy5wYWlkY29udGVudC5vcmcvam9iLzc1ZTE0NjdhOWQ1ODliYjdiMDBhMmRiZjNiMjg5 NjNjLz9kPTEmc291cmNlPXJzc19wYWdlDQoNCkRpcmVjdG9yLCBOZXcgTWVkaWEgLyBVUyBPbHlt cGljIENvbW1pdHRlZSAvIENvbG9yYWRvIFNwcmluZ3MsIENPDQpUb2RheSwgTWF5IDAxLCAyMDA4 LCAzIGhvdXJzIGFnbw0KVVMgT2x5bXBpYyBDb21taXR0ZWUvQ29sb3JhZG8gU3ByaW5ncywgQ08N Cg0KUE9TSVRJT04gVElUTEU6IERpcmVjdG9yLCBOZXcgTWVkaWENCg0KRElWSVNJT04vREVQQVJU TUVOVDogTWFya2V0aW5nIC8gQnJhbmQgTWFuYWdlbWVudCAmIFJlc2VhcmNoDQoNClNVTU1BUlk6 IA0KRGV2ZWxvcCBhbmQgbWFuYWdlIG9wZXJhdGlvbnMgb2YgdGhlIFVTT0MncyBkaWdpdGFsIG1l ZGlhIGluaXRpYXRpdmVzIGFuZCB3ZWIgc2l0ZXMgaW5jbHVkaW5nIHRoZSBuZXcgdGVhbXVzYS5v cmcgKGFuIGFnZ3JlZ2F0aW9uIG9mIHdlYnNpdGVzIGZvciB0aGUgVVNPQywgVS5TLiBQYXJhbHlt cGljcywgYW5kIG11bHRpcGxlIE5hdGlvbmFsIEdvdmVybmluZyBCb2RpZXMpLiANCg0KRVNTRU5U SUFMIEZVTkNUSU9OUzoNCkZ1bmN0aW9ucyBpbmNsdWRlLCBidXQgYXJlIG5vdCBsaW1pdGVkIHRv IHRoZSBmb2xsb3dpbmc6DQoNCjEuIE1hbmFnZSBvcGVyYXRpb25zIG9mIHRoZSBVU09DJ3MgZGln aXRhbCBtZWRpYSBpbml0aWF0aXZlcyBhbmQgd2ViIHNpdGVzLCBpbmNsdWRpbmcgdGVhbXVzYS5v cmcsIHZhcmlvdXMgbmF0aW9uYWwgZ292ZXJuaW5nIGJvZHkgKE5HQikgc2l0ZXMgYW5kIHRoZSBV LlMuIFBhcmFseW1waWNzIHNpdGUNCg0KMi4gV29yayB3aXRoIFVTT0MgbWFya2V0aW5nLCBpbmZv cm1hdGlvbiB0ZWNobm9sb2d5IGFuZCBzdHJhdGVnaWMgcGxhbm5pbmcgZ3JvdXAgdG8gZnVydGhl ciByZWZpbmUgYW5kIGRldmVsb3AgdGhlIG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbidzIGRpZ2l0YWwgbWVkaWEgc3Ry YXRlZ3kgcGxhbiANCg0KMy4gSW4gY29uY2VydCB3aXRoIFVTT0MgSVQgZ3JvdXAsIHN1cGVydmlz ZSByZWxhdGlvbnNoaXBzIHdpdGggcHJvZHVjdGlvbiBwYXJ0bmVycw0KDQo0LiBDb2xsYWJvcmF0 ZSB3aXRoIFVTT0Mgc3BvbnNvcnNoaXAgZ3JvdXAgdG8gaGVscCBkZXZlbG9wIGFuZCBzZWxsIHNw b25zb3IgYW5kIGJyYW5kZWQgaW50ZWdyYXRpb24gb3Bwb3J0dW5pdGllcyBvbiBVU09DIGRpZ2l0 YWwgcGxhdGZvcm1zICh0ZWFtdXNhLm9yZyBhbmQgdmFyaW91cyBtaWNyb3NpdGVzKQ0KDQo1LiBD b2xsYWJvcmF0ZSB3aXRoIFVTT0MgbGljZW5zZWQgcHJvZHVjdHMgYW5kIGRldmVsb3BtZW50IGdy b3VwcyB0byBleHBhbmQgZS1jb21tZXJjZSBhbmQgb25saW5lIGZ1bmQtcmFpc2luZyBvcHBvcnR1…

JOB: NYU Training Specialist

University Development is currently seeking a Training Specialist to identify, recommend, develop and implement training and information needs regarding specialized fundraising, alumni, and general technology…

JOB: Interactive Producer via recruiter > > > Jobs Home > Interactive Producer > Interactive Producer > Posted Apr 29 > Confidential, New York > >  > Our…

JOB: Interactive Producer via recruiter > > > Jobs Home > Interactive Producer > Interactive Producer > Posted Apr 29 > Confidential, New York > >  > Our…