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ITP Opportunities

Where do you look for jobs?

Hi List, I am sure this has been asked before, but… As designers, programmers and the like, where do you look for job listings? I…

[JOB] Technical Lead at Online Social Start-up

Hi guys – sounds like an interesting opp= ortunity.  Cheers, Lucas Begin forwarded message: From: Ran Craycraft <ran@my=> Date: = July 1, 2008 10:51:58…

JOB: Senior UX Designer/Prototyper for Method

Position: Senior UX Designer/Prototyper Department: UX design Reports To: Director UX (primary), General Manager (secondary) Partners with: Visual Design, IT, Business Development Overview Method is…

JOB: Senior UX Designer/Prototyper for Method

Position: Senior UX Designer/Prototyper Department: UX design Reports To: Director UX (primary), General Manager (secondary) Partners with: Visual Design, IT, Business Development Overview Method is…

Job: Sharp (UK)

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ Begin forwarded message: From: Diana Laurillard <> Date: 30 June 2008 23:18:53 BDT To: people@l= Subject= : [people] Fwd: Recruiting See…

JOB: wordpress site

> Former NYU teacher establishing a website where veterans can tell their stories. Currently seeking someone with experience in wordpress or similar program to help…

JOB: Info Architect for Barnes & Noble .com

Barnes & Noble .com Information Architect Barnes & is seeking an Information Architect to join its Experience Design team. We’re looking for a design…

JOB: Info Architect for Barnes & Noble .com

Barnes & Noble .com Information Architect Barnes & is seeking an Information Architect to join its Experience Design team. We’re looking for a design…

JOB: Web Developer Wanted is looking for a Ruby on Rails developer. We’re working on a user-friendly apartment listing site that focuses on accountability and communication for both…

JOB: Director, User Experience (UX) at Method

Job at Method… Position: Director, User Experience (UX) Department: UX design Reports To: VP UX (primary), General Manager (secondary) Partners To: Visual Design, IT, Business…

JOB: Director, User Experience (UX) at Method

Job at Method… Position: Director, User Experience (UX) Department: UX design Reports To: VP UX (primary), General Manager (secondary) Partners To: Visual Design, IT, Business…

small job this Saturday night

> >> >> We are looking for 2 interns to help with an installation at an >> event on Saturday 28th from 11PM to 3AM.…

Job: CUNY SPS seeks Media and Industrial Design Assistant

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ JOB POSTING=A0 Department: The School of Professional Studies=A0 Description: CUNY=92s School = of Professional Studies (SPS) offers an array of credit and…

Job: CUNY SPS seeks Media and Industrial Design Assistant

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ ITP Alums:=A0 JOB POSTING=A0 Department: The School of Professional Studies=A0 Description: CUNY=92s School of Professional Studies= (SPS) offers an array of credit…

jobs Barcelona

Pretty hardcore but… —

[JOB] Freelance Video Encoding

Friend needs some help re-encoding some produced content. Should be pretty easy gig, in the $65-75 range if anyone’s looking for some quick jobs. Contact…

Job: Web Design Developer/Texterity (fwd)

This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. –0-1571168604-1213800899=:261 Content-Type:…

[JOB] Deputy Editor, Technology & Science

If you have a moment, I’d appreciate your help. Please take a look and forward this job on to anyone you think would be interested…


Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ from a friend. =A0i don’t a= ctually know these people directly. -e Hi there – passing this on from a good= friend…

Information Architect Position

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Full Time= Position, Start Date Immediately. =A0If Interested,=A0submit portfolio and/= or resume to About HNW HNW, Inc. is the only strate=…

JOB: Illustrator Sessions (paid)

hello list. I am teaching an introductory class at Hunter College this summer much like Comm Lab. Something has come up and I need someone…

Updates + job posting from Jaki Levy

This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. –0-1486545999-1213386540=:260 Content-Type:…

JOB: Web Administrator at NYU

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Interested applicants shou= ld apply at:=A0http:= // —————- The New York = University Faculty of Arts & Science is seeking a Web…

QUICK JOB: Need a PHP/MySql Consultant

> From an ITP Alum, Amos. > A friend of mine is having PHP/MySQL problems and needs some quick > assistance. Anyone interested in a…

JOB: for startup Vellocity Systems

> > I am looking to hire for another start-up called Vellocity Systems > ( We do FX trading systems. Based out of Adelaide, >…

Re: Job Opp at Dow Jones,

Ben, is this because of the takeover by News Corp.? Curious… can reply off list- or maybe that will be a giveaway… No pressure to…

[job] looking for talent

Begin forwarded messag= e: = Hello Please pardon the spam-tastic mailing here but I’m reaching out to = my LinkedIn(R) peeps to see if they…

JOB: Freelance | Pharmacology MOA Animation

.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } Dear…

Job Opp at Dow Jones,

I will be leaving my job at for another opportunity, which leaves my position open and I would like to recommend one of our…

JOB: part time tech job at eyebeam

> > Part Time Technical Assistant > > Eyebeam is accepting applications for the position of Part Time > Technical Assistant. The successful candidate will…

JOB interface design

i know this was posted to the list already, but I talked to them today and have to say it’s a really nice project and…

[HOW IS THE] moma internship ?

hey, does any of you know someone who did the 12 month internship at moma? there is a digital arts department and I’m wondering if…

JOB: Production Job

> Job title: Editorial and Production Assistant/Contest Reviewer > Job Status: Temp, Freelance > Pay: $15/hour > Project Period: 30-35 hours/week from approx. July 1

JOB: Production Job

> Job title: Editorial and Production Assistant/Contest Reviewer > Job Status: Temp, Freelance > Pay: $15/hour > Project Period: 30-35 hours/week from approx. July 1

JOB: digital consultant

> > > JOB DESCRIPTION > > Sculptor, Exhibit Designer, and Founder/Emeritus Director of the > Children’s Museum of Manhattan is seeking a part-time expert…

JOB: ARM Associate Project Manager, Atlas

Contact: Peter J. Johnson | Sales Director – ARM | Microsoft Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Group Office 212.812.6272 | Windows Mobile 718.764.7388 Windows Live Messenger…

JOB: ARM Associate Project Manager, Atlas

Contact: Peter J. Johnson | Sales Director – ARM | Microsoft Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Group Office 212.812.6272 | Windows Mobile 718.764.7388 Windows Live Messenger…

JOB: Web Consultant for Architectural League

The Architectural League of New York 457 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 t 212.753.1722 f 212.486.9173 URBAN OMNIBUS THE CITY AND ITS FUTURE.…

JOB: Web Consultant for Architectural League

The Architectural League of New York 457 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 t 212.753.1722 f 212.486.9173 URBAN OMNIBUS THE CITY AND ITS FUTURE.…

JOB: Senior Technologist, frog Shanghai

> > Frog is building out it’s Shanghai office and currently looking for > a Senior Technologist with Citizenship fluency in Mandarin. The > latter…

JOB: AIML Gig for Oddcast

Requires good AIML knowledge. Work to optimize content of a limited scope bot. Pays well. Project should be 5-10 days. On or off site both…

cron jobs on

As you may have noticed has been slow to nonresponsive today. Part of the problem was old cron jobs that were still running. Rather…

Job: Senior Technologist, frog Shanghai

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”UTF-8″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; PGh0bWw+DQpmcm9nIGlzIGJ1aWxkaW5nIG91dCBpdCYjMzk7cyBTaGFuZ2hhaSBvZmZpY2UgYW5k IGN1cnJlbnRseSBsb29raW5nIGZvciBhIFNlbmlvciBUZWNobm9sb2dpc3Qgd2l0aCBDaXRpemVu c2hpcCBmbHVlbmN5IGluIE1hbmRhcmluLiZuYnNwOyBUaGUgbGF0dGVyIGlzIGVhc3kgZm9yIHRo ZW0gdG8gZmluZCBidXQgbWF0Y2hpbmcgdGhlIHR3byBpcyBzb21ldGhpbmcgdGhpcyBsaXN0IG1p Z2h0IGJlIGFibGUgdG8gZG8uJm5ic3A7IERlc2NyaXB0aW9uIGJlbG93LiZuYnNwOyA8YnI+DQo8 YnI+5aW96L+QPGJyPjxicj5NSjxicj48YnI+LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tPGJyPiZuYnNwOzxicj5Gcm9nIGRlc2lnbiBpcyBsb29raW5nIGZvciB0 ZWNobm9sb2dpc3RzIGluIFNoYW5naGFpLCBDaGluYS4gPGJyPiZuYnNwOzxicj5UaGUgU2VuaW9y IFRlY2hub2xvZ2lzdCBpcyBhbiBleHBlcnQgaW4gVUkvVVggd2l0aGluIHRoZSBvdmVyYWxsIGNv bnRleHQgb2YgYXBwbGljYXRpb24gZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQuIEhlL3NoZSBpcyByZXNwb25zaWJsZSBm b3IgcmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzIGFuYWx5c2lzLCByYXBpZCB2aXN1YWwgYW5kIGludGVyYWN0aW9uIHBy b3RvdHlwaW5nLCB2aXN1YWwgYW5kIG5vbi12aXN1YWwgY29tcG9uZW50IGRlc2lnbiwgYW5kIHN1 Y2Nlc3NmdWwgaW1wbGVtZW50YXRpb24gYW5kL29yIGludGVncmF0aW9uIG9mIGFwcGxpY2F0aW9u cyBhbmQgc2VydmljZXMgYWNyb3NzIHByZXNlbnRhdGlvbiwgbG9naWMsIGFuZCBkYXRhIHNlcnZp Y2VzIHRpZXJzLiBBdCBmcm9nIGRlc2lnbiwgdGhlIFNlbmlvciBUZWNobm9sb2dpc3Qgd2lsbCBu b3Qgb25seSBwcm92aWRlIGEgaGlnaC1maWRlbGl0eSBpbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbiwgYnV0IGFsc28g Y3JlYXRpdmVseSBlbmhhbmNlcyB0aGUgdmlzaW9uIG9mIHRoZSBpbnRlcmFjdGlvbiBhbmQgdmlz…

[JOB] InDesign

Hello, I may need someone to help build some sample pages in InDesign for an upcoming book about learning to program with Processing. (Quick summary:…

[JOBS] SF designers, developers, reporters for

From my friend. Tell me if you apply and want a rec: Spot Us is Hiring: Developers, Designers and ALWAYS Looking for Reporters June…

JOB: Google Earth Project

Hey – we’re looking for someone to help with a project using the Google Earth API. We need someone with experience coding for COM APIs.…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Disposition: inline; Wow! I wish more people ran around ITP in their underwear when I was there.= As for this Raving Lunatic confusion – From…

[JOB] PHP Developers Wanted

Friend-of-a-friend is looking for PHP developers. Looks like good part time work Contact: Jonah Keegan m: 347-813-0927 ——– Here’s some details on the position.…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Bala is one of the few people brave enough to protest the Cartesian coordinate system. meghan trainor wrote: > ooh, time for the annual Bala…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ i’m not gonna watch this until i get reassurance there’s no shots of bala n= aked here. know what? =A0fuck it, i’m…

JOB: Interactive Designer for

> > Interactive Designer > > Omnigon is a new manhattan based interactive / software design > company. > We are looking for a part-time…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Disposition: inline; ooh, time for the annual Bala Protest video posting: ht= tp:// On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Jeff Gray <> wrote:…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

Well “stark raving mad” implies random, yet consistent fits of nude lunacy, or so I’ve heard. See “Bala Protests This” (starring Bala Natarajan) for more…

Re: [JOB] part-time interactive designer

What exactly does “raving lunatic” mean? Could be an ADA problem. Jeff Galusha wrote: > > Omnigon is a new manhattan based interactive / software…

[JOB] part-time interactive designer

Content-Disposition: inline; Omnigon is a new manhattan based interactive / software design company.&nbs= p; We are looking for a part-time interactive desi= gner who "gets…

INTERN: Web Publishing John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

I am recruiting for one internship position within our Web Publishing Technology group, which is a global organization of web professionals located in Hoboken, UK,…

[JOB] Editorial Production Assistant

Editorial Production Assistant Job Description: Looking for a detail-oriented recent college graduate to fill editorial production position at Hearst Magazines. Basic knowledge of InDesign, Photoshop,…

JOB: Flash freelance work for MoMA

> > The Marketing Department here at MoMA needs a flash freelancer to > create 3-5 > banner ads to be used on other websites.…

Wind-up Records- Summer Internship for Credit

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Wind-up Records Digital Platforms Group = Internship Description =A0 Assist with management of artist and label website news con= tent =96 write,…

Small Web Design Job: Dysautonomia Foundation

The Dysautonomia Foundation is looking for some assistance in redesigning their website. If interested, contact them directly. Marianne —————- We’re looking for some help with…

INTERN: Summer Internships at Videograf

>> >> VIDEOGRAF >> 144 West 27th Street Suite #12 >> New York, NY 10001 >> Tel: 212-242-7871 / Fax: 212-206-6986 >> >> >>…

JOB: IA Job at Createthe

> > JR to MID-LEVEL INFORMATION ARCHITECT/USER EXPERIENCE DESIGNER > > > > We are a leading digital agency located in Soho. We are currently…

Re: JOB: Artist needed for Mural

Bill Gibbons is a great muralist. M On May 26, 2008, at 1:00 PM, D.Lasday wrote: > heres an odd-ball one: if you know…

RE: JOB: Artist needed for Mural

I second Mike Parker as a resource. Nice guy, great artist, etc. Also a really good info architect, although that doesn’t sound like part of…

Re: JOB: Artist needed for Mural

Hi Dave, how’s it going? Contact Mike Parker at: He’s a mural artist as well as multimedia kind of guy. Tell him I sent…

JOB: Artist needed for Mural

heres an odd-ball one: if you know of anyone interested pls send them my way: I need help in planning a mural – approx 30ft…

JOB: Graphic Designer for Print, Web Work

Looking for someone for a one-off for business cards, letterhead, “My Cat Fluffy” website design (no HTML coding). Flash capability a plus, but not essential…


Content-Type: text/html; charset=”utf-8″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 77u/PCFET0NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy9XM0MvL0RURCBIVE1MIDQuMCBUcmFuc2l0aW9u YWwvL0VOIj4NCjxIVE1MPjxIRUFEPjxUSVRMRT48L1RJVExFPg0KPE1FVEEgaHR0cC1lcXVpdj1D b250ZW50LVR5cGUgY29udGVudD0idGV4dC9odG1sOyBjaGFyc2V0PXV0Zi04Ij4NCjxNRVRBIGNv bnRlbnQ9Ik1TSFRNTCA2LjAwLjYwMDAuMTY2NDAiIG5hbWU9R0VORVJBVE9SPjwvSEVBRD4NCjxC T0RZPjxTUEFOIGxhbmc9RU4+DQo8RElWIGNsYXNzPWRhdGUtaGVhZGVyPg0KPFA+PEZPTlQgZmFj ZT1BcmlhbCBjb2xvcj0jMDAwMGZmIHNpemU9Mj48QSANCmhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly9hZHZlcmxhYi5i bG9nc3BvdC5jb20vMjAwOC8wNS9taXQtY29udmVyZ2VuY2UtY3VsdHVyZXMtbmVlZHMtcmVzZWFy Y2guaHRtbCI+aHR0cDovL2FkdmVybGFiLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8yMDA4LzA1L21pdC1jb252ZXJn ZW5jZS1jdWx0dXJlcy1uZWVkcy1yZXNlYXJjaC5odG1sPC9BPjwvRk9OVD48L1A+DQo8UD5UaGUg cmVzZWFyY2ggZ3JvdXAgSSB1c2VkIHRvIGJlIHBhcnQgb2YsIHRoZSA8QSANCmhyZWY9Imh0dHA6 Ly93d3cuY29udmVyZ2VuY2VjdWx0dXJlLm9yZy8iPjxGT05UIGNvbG9yPSM2Njk5ZmY+Q29udmVy Z2VuY2UgDQpDdWx0dXJlIENvbnNvcnRpdW08L0ZPTlQ+PC9BPiBhdCBNSVQsIGlzIDxBIA0KaHJl Zj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5jb252ZXJnZW5jZWN1bHR1cmUub3JnL3dlYmxvZy8yMDA4LzA1L2NvbnNv cnRpdW1faGlyaW5nX3Jlc2VhcmNoX2Rpci5waHAiPjxGT05UIA0KY29sb3I9I2ZmMzM5OT5sb29r aW5nIGZvciBhIHJlc2VhcmNoIGRpcmVjdG9yPC9GT05UPjwvQT4uIElmIHlvdSBhcmUgaW50byBz b2NpYWwgDQptZWRpYSwgZmFuZG9tcywgZ2FtZXMsIG1lZGlhIGNvbnN1bXB0aW9uIChha2EgY29u bmVjdGlvbnMgcGxhbm5pbmcpLCBwb3AtY3VsdHVyZSANCmFuZCBvdGhlciBjb29sIHN0dWZmLCB0 aGlzIGlzIGFuIGFtYXppbmcgZ2lnLiBBcGFydCBmcm9tIHRoZSBvYnZpb3VzIHBlcmtzLCANCnlv dSdsbCBnZXQgYSBtdWNoIGJldHRlciBzaG90IGF0IGdldHRpbmcgaW50byB0aGUgc29sZC1vdXQg ZXZlbnRzIGxpa2UgdGhlIDxBIA0KaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3JvZmxjb24ub3JnLyI+PEZPTlQgY29s…

[JOB] LeapFrog: Learning Designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ Background: LeapFrog’s Learning De= partment=A0has=A0immediate openings=A0for individuals=A0with expertise in ma= th/science learning, and curriculum design.=A0=A0This growing team is respon= sible for the…

[job] McSweeney’s design intern

Content-Disposition: inline; I have no connection to this, but if I were a designer, I'd jump on it.= .. ATTENTION,YOUNG DESIGNERS. – = –…

Job: one-time DJ gig

DJ Wanted For late night gig in Chelsea on May 25, 2008 $100 guarantee and up to $250 depending on door sales This party is…

INTERN: Frog Design needs tech interns

> – Frog Design Intern Opportunity – > > We’re looking for a hardcore geek who wants to try working in a > design firm…

re: Looking for Animation Jobs

http://www.blueskystudios.com lmoe From: “Catherine Colman” <>Se= nt: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:40 PMTo: “ITP Alumni” <itp-alu=>Subject: Looking for Animation JobsHi Listies,A friend of mine…

Re: AS3 Multitouch Freelance Job

uuuh. if you’re moving a puck, it ain’t multitouch, brah. On May 20, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Ian Curry wrote: > Hello List – >…

AS3 Multitouch Freelance Job

Hello List – We’re looking for someone with strong AS3 skills to develop a map- based multitouch interface. The map software will be a permanent…

quick flash/director gig

I’m helping a friend find someone who can take care of a quick flash or director project (needed by the end of the month): Here’s…

JOB: Posting position for PC Support

> > Position Title: PC Support > Description: Duties include data entry, website support, user > support and other necessary office duties. > Qualifications: Reliable,…

INTERN: Wakozi

> > About Us: Wakozi ( is a delivery service that allows > New Yorkers to order immediate delivery of beer, wine, liquor, > snacks…

JOB: Seeking a Freelance Jr. Production Designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Thanks for taking my call a couple minutes ago.= My name’s Tricia Okin and my workplace is hiring for a design production…

Job: Web Designer

From a friend:  = Designer Wanted! PerformLine Inc is a growing on= line performance marketing and technology company focused on delivering true= transparency to advertisers. …

JOB: Game Programmer & Animator

> > **********JOB POST: GAME PROGRAMMER & ANIMATOR/GRAPHIC > ARTIST**************** > > POSITION: Two consultancy positions available for a game programmer > and animator/graphic artist.…

JOB: Senior Producer, Ugobe Life Forms

——=_Part_714_3653503.1210700115967 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi gang, This (and the following post) are about jobs at UGOBE, where I currently work. (, Feel…

JOB: WEBMASTER WANTED — Small Theater Company

Begin forwarded message: > From: Joe Gilford > Date: May 12, 2008 10:43:43 AM EDT > To: > Subject: WEBMASTER WANTED –please forward >…

JOB: iPhone Visual Designer, Apple

> >> iPhone Visual Designer >> >> Apple’s Mac OS X User Interface Group is seeking a visual designer >> with dynamic interfaces or animation…

[JOB] Product Manager at ABC News Digital

Content-Disposition: inline; http://= Company: ABC News Digital Job Title: Product Manager&nb= sp; Description:  The ABC News Digital Media group is loo= king for a seasoned…


It pays. I don’t know exactly how m= uch, but you can contact Jeremy for more info. Begin forwarded message: From: “Jeremy Krinsley” <>…

JOB: Uptown Gallery – Networking/Email Help

Job Description: Reputable uptown NYC gallery showing artists like Rembrandt and Picasso looking for help with office computer network and basic email system. This is…

JOB: seeking freelancer

> work with itp alums rebecca and britta > Seeking Freelance Flash Designer for Museum Interactives > We are seeking a freelance flash illustrator/designer/animator with…

JOB: Senior Information Architect – freelance

> Senior Information Architect – freelance > > My client, a leading interactive design and marketing agency, is > looking for a Freelance Senior Information…

JOB: Junior Flash Developer, Core Industries

Junior Flash Developer We are looking for talented and highly motivated Flash Developers to help on a range of website, game, mobile and kiosk projects.…

JOB: C++ / Objective-C Developer, Core Industries

C++ / Objective-C Developer We are looking for a talented and highly motivated C++ / Objective-C developer to help develop iPhone applications. Our working environment…


JOB OPPORTUNITY You know, without making too big a deal of it, sometimes I get loweny too. You can also refer them to our website:…