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ITP Opportunities

JOB: Posting position for PC Support

> > Position Title: PC Support > Description: Duties include data entry, website support, user > support and other necessary office duties. > Qualifications: Reliable,…

INTERN: Wakozi

> > About Us: Wakozi ( is a delivery service that allows > New Yorkers to order immediate delivery of beer, wine, liquor, > snacks…

JOB: Seeking a Freelance Jr. Production Designer

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Thanks for taking my call a couple minutes ago.= My name’s Tricia Okin and my workplace is hiring for a design production…

Job: Web Designer

From a friend:  = Designer Wanted! PerformLine Inc is a growing on= line performance marketing and technology company focused on delivering true= transparency to advertisers. …

JOB: Game Programmer & Animator

> > **********JOB POST: GAME PROGRAMMER & ANIMATOR/GRAPHIC > ARTIST**************** > > POSITION: Two consultancy positions available for a game programmer > and animator/graphic artist.…

JOB: Senior Producer, Ugobe Life Forms

——=_Part_714_3653503.1210700115967 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi gang, This (and the following post) are about jobs at UGOBE, where I currently work. (, Feel…

JOB: WEBMASTER WANTED — Small Theater Company

Begin forwarded message: > From: Joe Gilford > Date: May 12, 2008 10:43:43 AM EDT > To: > Subject: WEBMASTER WANTED –please forward >…

JOB: iPhone Visual Designer, Apple

> >> iPhone Visual Designer >> >> Apple’s Mac OS X User Interface Group is seeking a visual designer >> with dynamic interfaces or animation…

[JOB] Product Manager at ABC News Digital

Content-Disposition: inline; http://= Company: ABC News Digital Job Title: Product Manager&nb= sp; Description:  The ABC News Digital Media group is loo= king for a seasoned…


It pays. I don’t know exactly how m= uch, but you can contact Jeremy for more info. Begin forwarded message: From: “Jeremy Krinsley” <>…

JOB: Uptown Gallery – Networking/Email Help

Job Description: Reputable uptown NYC gallery showing artists like Rembrandt and Picasso looking for help with office computer network and basic email system. This is…

JOB: seeking freelancer

> work with itp alums rebecca and britta > Seeking Freelance Flash Designer for Museum Interactives > We are seeking a freelance flash illustrator/designer/animator with…

JOB: Senior Information Architect – freelance

> Senior Information Architect – freelance > > My client, a leading interactive design and marketing agency, is > looking for a Freelance Senior Information…

JOB: Junior Flash Developer, Core Industries

Junior Flash Developer We are looking for talented and highly motivated Flash Developers to help on a range of website, game, mobile and kiosk projects.…

JOB: C++ / Objective-C Developer, Core Industries

C++ / Objective-C Developer We are looking for a talented and highly motivated C++ / Objective-C developer to help develop iPhone applications. Our working environment…


JOB OPPORTUNITY You know, without making too big a deal of it, sometimes I get loweny too. You can also refer them to our website:…


Content-Type: text/html; charset=”ISO-8859-1″ You can= also refer them to our website: for more information on= the agency.=A0Thanks so much!=A0Kristin= — –Apple-Mail-16-25842604 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64…

JOB: Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media

> > > JobID=6056&jsOrigin=12&Blast=1767 > >> Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media >> >> Multimedia / Web Design / Services – OTHER >> (ACTIVE…

JOB: Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media

> > > JobID=6056&jsOrigin=12&Blast=1767 > >> Sr. Producer, News/Finance: Comcast Interactive Media >> >> Multimedia / Web Design / Services – OTHER >> (ACTIVE…

JOB: Web Developer

Page Developer job description WEB DEVELOPER The position will support interactive content and marketing initiatives for the Fuse television networks and their associated products.…

JOB: Web Developer

Page Developer job description WEB DEVELOPER The position will support interactive content and marketing initiatives for the Fuse television networks and their associated products.…

[JOB] Interactives Producer, Online NewsHour

Company: NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Job= Title: Interactives Producer, Online NewsHour Description: The Interac= tives Producer for the Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer is a…

2 Jobs @ Daylife

*JOB 1* Company: Job Title: Vice President of Marketing Description: The Company Daylife is a well-funded, fast growing internet start-up focused on transforming the…

[JOB] Buddy Media (Social Networking App Co)

Hi, Buddy Media, Inc. is a New York City-based start-up founded by serial entrepreneurs Michael and Kass Lazerow (Student Advantage/U-Wire, Investors include some of…

[JOB] PHP Developer

Company: Financial Services Firm Job Title: Web 2.0 PHP Front end/ UI developers Description: We’re seeking Web 2.0 UI developers for PHP/AJAX based application development…

JOB: Jr. to Mid-Level Information Architect

In addition to the normal IA/interaction design skill set, this job will require a fair amount of documentation. We are looking for someone detailed oriented…

JOB – Teach my course this summer

City College offers an “Intro to Multimedia” course which will run from 2-4:50pm from June 4th until the end of July. Normally, I would teach…

Job: Human Rights Watch Multimedia Producer

Job: Human Rights Watch Multimedia Producer A= nother one I found while searching: http://w= —

[job] Director New Media / US Olympic Committee

SSd2ZSBnb3Qgbm90aGluZyB0byBkbyB3aXRoIHRoaXMuIEVuam95LiBNYXJrDQoNCg0KDQpodHRw Oi8vam9icy5wYWlkY29udGVudC5vcmcvam9iLzc1ZTE0NjdhOWQ1ODliYjdiMDBhMmRiZjNiMjg5 NjNjLz9kPTEmc291cmNlPXJzc19wYWdlDQoNCkRpcmVjdG9yLCBOZXcgTWVkaWEgLyBVUyBPbHlt cGljIENvbW1pdHRlZSAvIENvbG9yYWRvIFNwcmluZ3MsIENPDQpUb2RheSwgTWF5IDAxLCAyMDA4 LCAzIGhvdXJzIGFnbw0KVVMgT2x5bXBpYyBDb21taXR0ZWUvQ29sb3JhZG8gU3ByaW5ncywgQ08N Cg0KUE9TSVRJT04gVElUTEU6IERpcmVjdG9yLCBOZXcgTWVkaWENCg0KRElWSVNJT04vREVQQVJU TUVOVDogTWFya2V0aW5nIC8gQnJhbmQgTWFuYWdlbWVudCAmIFJlc2VhcmNoDQoNClNVTU1BUlk6 IA0KRGV2ZWxvcCBhbmQgbWFuYWdlIG9wZXJhdGlvbnMgb2YgdGhlIFVTT0MncyBkaWdpdGFsIG1l ZGlhIGluaXRpYXRpdmVzIGFuZCB3ZWIgc2l0ZXMgaW5jbHVkaW5nIHRoZSBuZXcgdGVhbXVzYS5v cmcgKGFuIGFnZ3JlZ2F0aW9uIG9mIHdlYnNpdGVzIGZvciB0aGUgVVNPQywgVS5TLiBQYXJhbHlt cGljcywgYW5kIG11bHRpcGxlIE5hdGlvbmFsIEdvdmVybmluZyBCb2RpZXMpLiANCg0KRVNTRU5U SUFMIEZVTkNUSU9OUzoNCkZ1bmN0aW9ucyBpbmNsdWRlLCBidXQgYXJlIG5vdCBsaW1pdGVkIHRv IHRoZSBmb2xsb3dpbmc6DQoNCjEuIE1hbmFnZSBvcGVyYXRpb25zIG9mIHRoZSBVU09DJ3MgZGln aXRhbCBtZWRpYSBpbml0aWF0aXZlcyBhbmQgd2ViIHNpdGVzLCBpbmNsdWRpbmcgdGVhbXVzYS5v cmcsIHZhcmlvdXMgbmF0aW9uYWwgZ292ZXJuaW5nIGJvZHkgKE5HQikgc2l0ZXMgYW5kIHRoZSBV LlMuIFBhcmFseW1waWNzIHNpdGUNCg0KMi4gV29yayB3aXRoIFVTT0MgbWFya2V0aW5nLCBpbmZv cm1hdGlvbiB0ZWNobm9sb2d5IGFuZCBzdHJhdGVnaWMgcGxhbm5pbmcgZ3JvdXAgdG8gZnVydGhl ciByZWZpbmUgYW5kIGRldmVsb3AgdGhlIG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbidzIGRpZ2l0YWwgbWVkaWEgc3Ry YXRlZ3kgcGxhbiANCg0KMy4gSW4gY29uY2VydCB3aXRoIFVTT0MgSVQgZ3JvdXAsIHN1cGVydmlz ZSByZWxhdGlvbnNoaXBzIHdpdGggcHJvZHVjdGlvbiBwYXJ0bmVycw0KDQo0LiBDb2xsYWJvcmF0 ZSB3aXRoIFVTT0Mgc3BvbnNvcnNoaXAgZ3JvdXAgdG8gaGVscCBkZXZlbG9wIGFuZCBzZWxsIHNw b25zb3IgYW5kIGJyYW5kZWQgaW50ZWdyYXRpb24gb3Bwb3J0dW5pdGllcyBvbiBVU09DIGRpZ2l0 YWwgcGxhdGZvcm1zICh0ZWFtdXNhLm9yZyBhbmQgdmFyaW91cyBtaWNyb3NpdGVzKQ0KDQo1LiBD b2xsYWJvcmF0ZSB3aXRoIFVTT0MgbGljZW5zZWQgcHJvZHVjdHMgYW5kIGRldmVsb3BtZW50IGdy b3VwcyB0byBleHBhbmQgZS1jb21tZXJjZSBhbmQgb25saW5lIGZ1bmQtcmFpc2luZyBvcHBvcnR1…

JOB: NYU Training Specialist

University Development is currently seeking a Training Specialist to identify, recommend, develop and implement training and information needs regarding specialized fundraising, alumni, and general technology…

JOB: Interactive Producer via recruiter > > > Jobs Home > Interactive Producer > Interactive Producer > Posted Apr 29 > Confidential, New York > >  > Our…

JOB: Interactive Producer via recruiter > > > Jobs Home > Interactive Producer > Interactive Producer > Posted Apr 29 > Confidential, New York > >  > Our…

Re: Job: web designer at the UN

A p11 is an internal UN form 4/search? ter/annonser/undokument.doc+united+nations+p11&hl=3Den&ct=3Dclnk&amp= ;cd=3D1&gl=3Dus&client=3Dfirefox-a On Apr 28, 2008, at 1:20= PM, Avani Palkhiwala wrote: What’s a p11? Please…

JOB: Yahoo Research, Web UI Designer

> > We have a Web UI Designer position on the Yahoo! Research engineering > team in Santa Clara. If you are interested, please send…

JOB: Yahoo Research, Web UI Designer

> > We have a Web UI Designer position on the Yahoo! Research engineering > team in Santa Clara. If you are interested, please send…

INTERN: Lego in Denmark – deadline today!

Lego Internship Opportunities What we offer: We presently have a number of student internship positions available starting from the beginning of June, July & August…

Job: web designer at the UN

Job: web designer at the UN C= ame across this while searching the boards: ancies/1208937584945 —

JOB: Wattbot Lead UI Designer RFP, Wattbot

Wattbott clean energy. simplified. 3954 17th St, Suite A, San Francisco CA 94114 Wattbot Lead UI Designer RFP 1. Company Background For anyone thinking…

INTERN: Ericsson summer internship

Ericsson Mobility World Summer Internship 2008 Opportunity to join a creative, entrepreneurial team in a quickly growing area of mobile technology — media & entertainment.…

JOB: Full Time Production Manager, MASS

> > > Full Time Production Manager > > Description: > Boutique design studio in downtown New York is seeking a Production > Manager. MASS…

JOB: Full Time Production Manager, MASS

> > > Full Time Production Manager > > Description: > Boutique design studio in downtown New York is seeking a Production > Manager. MASS…

Re: [JOB] – Sr. Web Developer

hey max u r now a developer there? —– Original Message —– From: Max Date: Monday, April 28, 2008 7:14 am Subject: [JOB]…

JOB: small mySQL database

Reply to We need a programmer to build a smallish database for Helicon on their MYSQL platform. The database needs to capture responses to…

JOB: Junior Web Designer, Core Industries

> Junior Web Designer > > Core Industries is a interactive marketing firm in Dumbo Brooklyn creating award-winning online projects with a focus on environmentally…

JOB: Kognito

Kognito for the position Interactive Instructional Designer. For the Interactive Instructional Designer position they are looking for someone with applied experience writing content, planning educational…

Re: [JOB] Flex Developer

Here are the specifics: Contact Adam Denenberg if interested ( We are looking for 1-2 Flex developers (preferably 1 senior and 1 mid) with the…

[JOB] Job Opening: NYC broadband video producer

Details at QFPiNEmHGpxM/ WGBH Radio in conjunct= ion with WNYC Radio and Public Radio International, The New York Times and t= he BBC are launching…

[JOB] Flex Developer

Hey Folks, I don’t have the specifics but any freelance Flex developers out there with Flash Audio/Video streaming experience looking for work? -shawn —


These jobs don’t pay well, but I’m mostly posting them because I know that some foreign students need to find jobs after graduation, or they…

JOB: Pro-Am Inc coding job

>> >> >> Pro-Am Inc, a small, international branding agency, is searching >> for a coder to work for 4 weeks p/t, offsite, with scheduled…

JOB: web designer

Seeking WEB DESIGNER TO BUILD SITE DEDICATED TO VETS AND FAMILIES, where they can share and archive stories, insights, tributes, memorabilia. A kind of StoryCorps/YouTube…

Re: JOB: Ars Electronica

holy crap. my dream job! seriously. On Apr 22, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Midori Yasuda wrote: >>>>> >>>>> JOBS @ ARS ELECTRONICA >>>>> >>>>> Ars…

JOB: Ars Electronica

>>>> >>>> JOBS @ ARS ELECTRONICA >>>> >>>> Ars Electronica Futurelab is hiring artists and researchers >>>> >>>>

Re: Rhizome needs Social Media Intern

Wrong thread Corey! ;) On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Corey Menscher wrote: > Crap yep sent that to the list. Oh well…

Re: Rhizome needs Social Media Intern

Crap yep sent that to the list. Oh well guess everyone knows I’m looking for a summer internship! :-p Corey Menscher On Apr…

Re: Rhizome needs Social Media Intern

Hey, Nick. I think I’m interested. Do you know if it’s a paid position? Will it work as a summer internship? Corey Menscher…

Rhizome needs Social Media Intern

Hey Peeps, I’ve been working at Rhizome all semester and it’s been a wonderful experie= nce. If this looks interesting to you, I wholeheartedly recommend…

JOB: NYU-TV webmaster

NYU-TV NOW HIRING: WEBMASTER/GRAPHICS DESIGNER (Summer 2008 student position) Are you interested in working with both the web and television? Do you want to work…

JOB: NYU TV graphics designer in flash

NYU TV NOW HIRING: GRAPHICS DESIGNER (summer student position) We are looking for a Flash guru! Do you like television? Do you want to work…

JOB: at NYU TV – broadcast graphics designer

NYU TV NOW HIRING: BROADCAST GRAPHICS DESIGNER (summer 2008 student position) We are looking for a Flash and/or After Effects artist! Do you like television?…

INTERN: Virtue WorldWide

Fron ITP alumnus – Brendan – I’ve been working for Virtue WorldWide a small creative agency owned by Vice Magazine. I’m looking for an…


This seems like an uncommon gig.  Michael Naimark is involved and he will be at ITP on 4/30 to answer questions. ************************************************************************ JOBS @ ARS…

JOB: Java architect and programmer for web apps

Media Farm seeks a programmer and application architect who has 5+ years experience developing Java-JSP web applications. Media Farm provides cutting edge software-as-a-service products to…

Senior Developer Job available

From a friend, in search of a developer: Senior Developer Job available We are PerformLine Inc, a rapidly growing start-up company in the online performance…

JOB: build complete website for startup

reply directly to Jeffrey Jordan at he knows his inquiry is vague, he’s trying to figure out what’s involved. > I need a website…

JOB: Director of Information Technology, MNN

> > > Company: MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network > Job Title: Director of Information Technology > Description: MNN JOB DESCRIPTION: Director of Information Technology >…

JOB: Expression Engine Developer Needed

> > Games for Change is seeking an Expression Engine and php programmer > and developer (in New York City if possible), to migrate an…

JOB: Senior positions via recruiter

> Sr. Interaction Designer (2) > > > My client is a large and well respected F500 company. They have asked me to find them…

JOB: short term front end gig

Hi any body out there looking for a short term front end gig? Relatively straight forward small site build. You haz: html, css, javascript —…

JOB: web designer for Artmo

> > I am the Art Director of a new company called Artmo and am writing in regards to current design needs. Artmo will be…

JOB: web designer for Artmo

> > I am the Art Director of a new company called Artmo and am writing in regards to current design needs. Artmo will be…

[JOB] Front end build

body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color: #ffffff;color: black;}Hiany body out there looking for a short term front end gig? Relatively straight forward small site build.You haz: html, css, javascript…

[JOB] Director of Information Technology MNN

MNN JOB DESCRIPTION: Director of Information Technology REPORTS TO: Managing Director DESCRIPTION OF POSITION: Manager of a growing IT department that is responsible for the…


Hey Everyone, I have a friend looking for a photographer to take some pictures of an event for a charity event. I know some of…

Job: Media Designer

I= am leaving my beloved job…  [and moving to Montreal]  plea= se pass along to anyone you think will be interested Zohar Job Title- Media…

internship at

Programming Internship (Paid!) Swivel is seeking an enthusiastic senior-level undergrad or graduate student who loves math and statistics and is interested in receiving hands-on experience…

[job] quick processing gig

If anyone out there is interested in a quick (eg in the next 2-3 days) paid processing gig which shouldn’t be too complex if you…

INTERN: web developer –

Web Developer Internship Have you ever wanted to work at a startup? Do you have a passion for web design and development, possess a thirst…

[job] media campaign

body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color: #ffffff;color: black;}Hi Do you have agency experience building banners for media campaigns?If yes pls give me a holler — We may need someone…

JOB: Temp online ast production editor job posting

>> Seeking (Temp) Online Assistant Production Editor for Harper >> Collins ( whose responsibilities will >> include copyediting, proofreading, and checking marketing copy and >>…